Fic: Peanut Butter and...Renji? Hisagi/Kira+Renji

Apr 23, 2009 01:05

Title: Peanut Butter and Jelly Renji
Rating: PG-13 because our boys like touching
Pairing: Hisagi/Kira+Renji
Notes/Warnings: To my dear chibicoffee who gave me the prompt "Peanut Butter".
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its sexy characters. I just borrow them and make them do my nasty bidding. They like it. A lot. >:)

It’s the voices that wake him; all quiet and hushed, floating in from the direction of the kitchen. The voices, and the rhythmic banging that accompanies them.

A small rectangle of light spills into the bedroom, crossing the floor to illuminate the empty space beside him, and Renji glares at it before he groans and rolls over until he‘s stumbling away from the futon. He looks over his shoulder to check if the room really is empty, and growls when he finds that it is. Damn it, it’s three in the morning. What the fuck is going on?

Cursing under his breath, he stumbles through the open doorway and into the living room. A fire burns brightly in the hearth and he glares at it sleepily, wondering what it’s doing there unattended, before the banging reaches his ears and reclaims his attention. The hushed voices follow and Renji frowns when they lead him to the kitchen.

He slides the kitchen door open and steps inside, fully intent on yelling bloody murder at its occupants.

What he sees makes him stop dead in his tracks.

Hisagi is sitting on the counter, legs dangling over the edge, his heels thumping rhythmically against the wood. The dark blue fabric of his yukata is parted down to his navel, both halves held together by the loose obi around his waist, exposing a wide expanse of his muscled chest and torso. A tiny silver spoon dangles from his fingertips.

Renji’s attention, however, is held captive by Kira and the finger he has in his mouth.

They are still unaware of his presence, and for some reason Renji doesn‘t feel the need to let them know he‘s there--keeps his mouth shut and slinks back to where he can hide behind the door--especially when he sees the look on Hisagi’s face as the blond continues sucking on his finger with a look of unbridled pleasure on his face.

“Come here,” Hisagi says and Kira opens his eyes and obeys, sliding comfortably between the brunet’s knees. His finger is still in his mouth and Hisagi does what Renji wants to do, takes the blond’s wrist in his hand to replace Kira’s finger with his lips, and then they’re kissing--softly, tenderly--with all the passion of two people who know they won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Renji feels his throat go dry at the sight. He’s more than wide awake now.

Hisagi’s legs stop moving when Kira’s hands come to rest on his knees, and Renji watches in envious silence as the younger shinigami stands on the tips of his toes to deepen the kiss, arms coming to wrap around the brunet’s neck. He’s surprised when Hisagi chuckles and pulls away. Renji doesn’t have half of that kind of self-control.

“You must be exhausted.” Hisagi says it softly, probably for Renji’s benefit because they obviously think he is still fast asleep in the bedroom, and not standing just behind the kitchen door, watching them. Kira shakes his head and leans into Hisagi and it’s only then that Renji notices he’s still in his work uniform, probably having just arrived home from patrol duty. He must be exhausted, Renji thinks, but Kira only smiles and nuzzles the fabric of the brunet’s yukata.

“I’m not,” he smiles as he slides his palms up the brunet‘s thighs. When his hands reach Hisagi‘s hips, Kira’s grin turns feral. “I’m hungry.”

Hisagi blinks in astonishment and Renji’s jaw drops. The redhead feels his stomach do tiny little flip flops in his belly when Kira’s hands reach the brunet’s waist and slide around him until he has his arms wrapped around the older shinigami. Hisagi’s hands move almost immediately with due eagerness as he shifts where he’s seated and takes the blond’s face in his hands. He kisses Kira, who hums softly against his lips, and Renji wonders if now is a good time to let them know he‘s there. Then Kira’s arms tighten around Hisagi and the brunet lets out a soft groan. Renji thinks that now is definitely a good time to let them know he’s there.

Kira’s mouth opens before Renji’s does, however, and for an entirely different reason--one that seems to rob the redhead of his ability to speak as Hisagi indulges the blond briefly before he sighs and eases himself away, putting a hand on Kira’s chest so he doesn’t follow.

“Izuru.” There is a warning in Hisagi’s voice and the blond has the grace to blush and look sheepish, making Renji smile.


“Bed,” Hisagi says but Kira shakes his head. The blond straightens up and fumbles with something on the counter beside the brunet’s leg on the side where Renji can’t see it. Then the redhead watches as Kira lifts a finger to his mouth. He can see that there’s something on it, something at the very tip, but he can’t tell what it is before it slips past the blond’s lips and into his mouth.

Again, Renji feels his stomach do tiny little flip flops.

The slender digit comes back out with a soft ‘pop’, clean and glistening with moisture, and Kira licks his lips. Hisagi laughs and hooks a leg behind Kira’s thigh to pull him closer. There is a flash of silver that immediately catches Renji’s eye and his vision narrows until it’s all he can see: the tiny silver teaspoon laden with a creamy substance that looks like caramel but can’t be--not with the way Kira closes his eyes and hums with pleasure as soon as it enters his mouth (the blond isn’t too fond of caramel).

Hisagi smiles amusedly as he slides the silverware between Kira’s faintly shining lips. He pulls it back out and intercepts Kira’s lips with his when the blond makes to follow. Plunging the teaspoon into a bottle Renji finally notices in the older shinigami’s hands--a bottle that may or not have been there this whole time but could have been floating in mid-air for all the attention Renji has been paying attention to anything that isn‘t properly attached to either of the two lieutenants‘ bodies--Hisagi scoops up more of the goop and feeds it to Kira who eagerly opens his mouth.

Peanut butter, Renji reads on the label. Figures.

“Mmmmmm…” Kira hums and tilts his face up for a kiss that Hisagi is only too happy to give. Renji sees the older shinigami’s tongue dart out to lick at the peanut butter on the corner of the Kira’s mouth and he licks his own lips, imagining he can taste peanut butter and Kira and Hisagi combined and that’s it, he’s done making himself scarce.

Both Kira and Hisagi jump when the kitchen door is flung aside so fast that it almost leaps off its tracks. Renji storms in and before either of them can properly react, the redhead has his arms around Kira and his lips against the blond’s in a fierce kiss. Kira’s arms wrap around him immediately.

“Fuck, Renji--” He hears Hisagi say but he ignores the brunet in favor of the blond currently weaving his fingers into his hair and pulling him closer. Kira’s lips are sweet with peanut butter and soft from all the kissing he’s been subjected to since he arrived. When oxygen suddenly becomes all too important, he finally break the kiss but doesn’t let go of Kira who is panting and clinging to Renji to stay upright.

There is silence for a long moment, broken only by their heavy breathing and the blood Renji can hear roaring in his ears. Then there’s the soft thump of feet landing on wood as Hisagi slides himself off the counter and approaches his two younger lovers.

“Izuru’s home,” he says unnecessarily and Kira smiles.

“Tadaima,” the blond quips and takes a step back so that Hisagi’s hands meet when the older shinigami wraps his arms around the redhead‘s middle.

Renji makes a sound of approval and tugs at Kira so their lips meet again.

“Sorry we woke you,” Kira says contritely once they break apart and the redhead feels Hisagi’s arms tighten around him as if to supplement the apology.

Renji shakes his head and turns in Hisagi’s arms so he’s looking over the brunet’s shoulder, past the open kitchen door, and at their bedroom. He grins and licks his lips. He can taste peanut butter on them.

“Don‘t be,” he says and grabs each of his lovers‘ wrists. “I ain’t.”


A/N: Grrrrr...this was supposed to be a RenjiKira fic but then Chibi mentioned wanting some HisagixRenjixKira love and that idea stuck in my head and wrote itslf and now Renji isnt even getting enough attention and damn it the whole thing is made of phail and UWAH CHIBI I HAVE FAILED YOOOOO. Damn you, muses. ::sulks::

I hope you all still like it, though.

This could be the last fic from me for a while because I'm going to be busy all the way 'till June. Though, heaven knows I'll be trying to sneak in some time to write but still, don't forget me!!!!! XD


My Master Fic Index here.
My 30_romances Fic List here.
My 50scenes Prompt Table here.
My 7snogs Prompt Table here.


x-posted: 3_6_9, all_for_bleach, asterisk_plus, bleach_yaoi, kurosaki_clinic, shuukira and sanbantaifuku.

yaoi, hisagi/kira/renji, shuukira, bleach fanfiction

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