Ianto's a Lying Liar

Aug 01, 2009 10:34

I have a question about Ianto in Day 5 of CoE ...

No idea if this has been discussed before, but  here goes ... 
In Day 5, Rhiannon tells Gwen that Ianto's dad wasn't a master tailor, as he had said, but instead he worked for Debenams. I've read lots of comments where people have been annoyed or angry about this, and I was just wondering what everybody thought. Love it? Hate it? Pointless bit of character development now he's dead?

Personally I loved it. Seriously. I thought it was a wonderful bit of irony that the first thing we learnt about Ianto was that he was lying liar (Cyberwoman) was also the last thing we learnt about him. For me, it deepened the enigma that was Ianto Jones. Did anyone, his sister, Gwen, Jack or even the audience ever truely know him?

Agree? Disagree? Let me know!

character: ianto jones, discussion, torchwood: series 3, torchwood

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