This is possibly really stupid, but I've been wondering...

Oct 02, 2010 02:32

And if this shouldn't be there, feel free to delete it, but I don't really know how to find this out.

Is Will/Matt's hair brown or red? >.> Because I was sure he was a redhead, but his hair looks brown in all the photos I'm looking at, so now I'm wondering why I thought he had red hair. D: Plus I've seen people call him blonde, which just confuses ( Read more... )

!help, contributor: momoda6, actor: matthew morrison, !discussion post

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Comments 9

lovesmymovement October 2 2010, 01:36:13 UTC
Lol, honestly I've always thought his hair was brown, but... I dunno, lol. Why are people calling him blond, though, is what I'm really wondering here... he is so not blond!!! Hahaha XD


momoda6 October 2 2010, 01:40:27 UTC
His hair is an enigma. It's full of secrets and changes colour like a mood ring. That's my theory. In some of these pictures it looks green, so idek any more. D:


lovesmymovement October 2 2010, 03:17:20 UTC
That's why his hair is so curly, ~it's full of secrets~


dark_dreymer October 2 2010, 02:11:24 UTC
Lighting can make a real difference to both hair and eye colour so you get some degree of difference in fic depending on which photos people use as a reference, or if they even bother to use a photo reference at all.

Also, some people have different standards for what counts as blonde and what doesn't. I always used to think I was blond, until about two years ago when my friend told me my hair was mousey-brown. A short while later I dyed my hair platinum blond and had it as such for about a year, so now I don't see my natural colour as blond anymore.

Just to throw my opinion in there. I'd say he's got brown hair, but you could call the highlights blond and get away with it; especially if you were describing them in sunlight.


syikana October 2 2010, 02:18:23 UTC
here it says his hair is red... however you could always say that it's auburn and get away with it.


hopenight October 2 2010, 03:09:29 UTC
I would go with auburn. Because I have red hair, not like bright red but a dark red (like really dark). And his hair really isn't close to my color. Plus his hair doesn't look all that red to me. It's so dark that I just assumed it was deep brown especially with the blonde highlights.

But it really depends on the lighting. Also sometimes coloring can be a bit off with the cameras.


tawg October 2 2010, 10:00:05 UTC
There's this stupid thing that brown hair does (okay, all hair does it, but it only causes issues with people who have medium to light brown hair) - it gets lighter as it gets longer. It's because the ends of your hair dry out as they get further away from the scalp, and dry hair is lighter in colour. So, while Matty hasn't been blond for any of his adult life (not ruling out younger years), there have been a few periods where it just looked too light to be a clear brown, due to the length, the lighting, people being lazy etc etc. I'm having to deal with the same thing over in the SPN fandom with Jensen Ackles, who also isn't blond.

I have no idea where the redhead thing comes from. My default way of checking these things out is to find a pic of the person standing in natural sunlight - the highlights of their hair will give you a good idea of it's 'real' colour.


momoda6 October 2 2010, 13:36:38 UTC
Yeah, I had a feeling it wasn't just brown, but I didn't really know what to call it. I think I'm gonna go with auburn though, which I didn't even know was a hair colour, because the colour they give on wikipedia ( ) is pretty close to brown, and in the pictures a lot of them look like they have bits of blonde in, and it looks pretty similar imo.

Thanks for the help, everyone. Sorry for the really random question. xD


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