Title: Two Magnets
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It's been three years since graduated McKinley, but Finn still remembers Will's face when he sees it in the hardware store. And there is excessive hugging, also angels.
Note: There is a cheesy moment when Finn sings to himself. The song is "Til Kingdom Come" by Coldplay, and though it's a cheesy thing to do, I think it's a very Glee concept, you know, singing to yourself
He needed a plunger. His mom's toilet had gotten stopped up, and for some reason, they couldn't find a plunger. And Finn was determined that whenever he was home, he would take care of his mother, and so he went to the hardware to find one.
He was thinking of how weird it was to be back in Lima, back in the small town that had once been his entire world, as he walked into town. He found the hardware store and began looking for the plunger, finally realizing that he had to go down row 8. He widened his eyes as he made his way down the aisle. "Mr Schu?"
Will Schuester looked up from the display of shower heads and immediately grinned when he saw Finn. "Finn!" he said, the joy clear in his voice. "How are you doing?"
The smile came onto his face without his control. "I'm... I'm doing really well. Just home from college for winter break."
"Yeah? How's college going? I bet you loved getting out of here."
Finn smiled, and nodded. "Yeah, it's good. It's kinda... lonely, you know? Without Glee Club. But it's been great to escape. Really great."
A distant look came into Will's eyes for a moment before he shook his head and rested a hand on Finn's shoulder. "I am so glad to hear that. I really mean it. It was really important to me to see you succeed."
Finn nodded. "I know. I couldn't have done it without you."
"Sure you could've."
Finn shook his head. "Without Glee Club and your vocal coaching, I could never have gotten that music scholarship. Without you, I never would have the confidence to apply for it in the first place."
"I think that's called 'Being a somewhat decent teacher.'"
"Being an amazing teacher... the best. Seriously, Mr Schu, I mean it."
"It's been three years, Finn... you can call me Will."
"Can I... can I hug you?"
Will looked surprised for a moment, and then smiled and nodded. Finn wrapped Will up in his arms, pulling him close. He closed his eyes and tried to savor the moment, knowing that he'd keep it with him for a long time to come, the same way he'd kept every moment he'd shared with Will close to his heart. This was another one for his collection, his hope chest.
A very long moment later, they pulled apart. Finn looked at him and tilted his head slightly. "I've missed you."
Will gave his teacher smile. "That's really nice of you, Finn."
Finn understood. They were close, they were friends, even. But that was it. And that was okay. Because there was a reason nothing had happened before. It wasn't supposed to. "I'll see you later, Mr Schu," he said, leaving. He forgot the plunger, but right now he just wanted to not be there.
He found his way to the playground he'd gone to as a child, to the swing sets that could barely fit his large body. He sat and gripped the cold chains, rocking back and forth on the swing. He was lucky that Will had been so cool back there - his actions weren't really appropriate, and he knew it. He supposed there was always the small, secret part of him that hoped that someday, when he was older, he and Will would find their ways back to each other, and what hadn't happened in high school could finally have a chance to see the light of day. And that was stupid. That wasn't how things worked. But when he closed his eyes, he could still feel the hug, the way Will fit so perfectly in his arms. He could see Will's happy smile. And it was almost enough. At least, it made things hurt a little less.
And he sat and he swung and a few tears may have rolled down his face. He felt adrift. He had a year and a half left of college, and he didn't really know what he was doing, just that music made his heart swell, and was clearly going to be a major part of his life. Every time he'd ever come back to Lima, he'd hoped for this, for encountering Will. Now it had happened and that was it. His fantasies had come true, but there were nothing more than that, fantasies. Nice ideas, nothing more.
He scrubbed a hand over his face and exhaled. He closed his eyes and sighed. It was silly, he knew, but he was alone, and this was Lima, and there was one sure fire way to release your emotions that always worked. He made sure there was no one else around and sang quietly, "For you I'd wait 'til kingdom come, until my day, my day is done, just say you'll come and set me free, just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me."
He felt a hand on his knee and opened his eyes. "I'm really glad you're still singing," Will told him, crouching in front of him so that they were eye level.
"Didn't think anyone was listening," Finn said, slightly embarrassed.
"I've missed you too. I was closer with you than I've ever been with any other student... closer than I've been with most people, actually."
Finn smiled slightly and looked at him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. And you know, when you were in high school... you were in high school. You know?"
Finn shook his head. "No... tell me."
"I always wished that you were just a little older. I felt this... connection with you."
"Like magnets," Finn replied. He held up his two pointer fingers to demonstrate the point. "You can pull them apart but they always come back together."
"But we dealt with it, didn't we? I mean, I did. I focused my energy on helping you succeed. I cared about you so much... I still do."
"When I hugged you back there, it felt..."
"Good," Will replied, nodding. He gave a soft smile, and more softly, continued, "Like two magnets, finally coming back to each other."
There aren't words, but there is standing, the both of them, and the fitting together that they seem to be able to do perfectly. Finn wants to pull as much of Will into him as he can. If he could, he'd wrap his entire body around Will. Will seems to agree, pressing closer, his hands flat against the skin of Finn's back. This hug is far more than friendly - it's clearly intimate, and Finn's heart has stopped, is afraid to beat, lest anything disrupt this perfect moment.
Will pulled away, and Finn immediately wrapped his arms around himself, as though to hold himself together. Will touched his cheek, stroking it a little. "You were my student for two years, Finn."
"I know," Finn replied quickly. "But I'm not anymore. Haven't been for two a half years. We've been apart longer than we've been together."
Will's face fell. It went from tender to devastated in half a second and Finn wondered what he could do to fix it. But then Will was kissing him, hard, Finn's face in his hands, and of course Finn kissed back. Of course he put all of himself into the kiss, into the thing he'd wanted for five years, or maybe for his entire life.
They broke apart, panting, but Will's hands stayed on his face, and Finn's arms stayed around Will's waist. "I'm not your student anymore," Finn said, smiling. "So this isn't wrong. This could keep happening."
"It could," Will replied. "And I want it to. Though, you're still in college--"
"I'll come home every weekend," Finn insisted. "Or transfer..."
"You don't need to transfer. We'll work it out." He placed a hand over Finn's hand and smiled, and Finn hugged him again because he could. Because Will was here, in front of him, and this wasn't his dream anymore. They had plenty of time to work things out, after all.
As always, the rest of my fic can be found