Title: Day One 2 (Part 4 of Day Zero)
Author: Mshorr
Rating: NC-17 (For sure this time)
Summary: Class ends, tutoring beings. Finn discovers a talent for dirty talk and working with his feet.
Warnings: Language, aggressive Finn, passive Will. (no topping or bottoming yet sorry) No beta cause I suck that way.
Authors notes: This is the single dirtiest
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Comments 2
Honestly while I was reading it, I thought, "Nuh-uh, Finn wouldn't have the balls to do that." (But hell, I got porn out of it, so i didn't care all that much.) However, the ending made it all better. Finn panicking and running out. Will's reaction "I'm going to prison". And I loved his last sentence - he liked it. A lot. Which means it will happen again. The damage is already done anyway, right?
I'm guessing for the next tutoring session, they don't bother going to the library. They'll just lock Will's door.
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