Title: Little Green Monster
annoniji4dPairing: Mino/Taehyun
Rating: PG
Summary: Taehyun is jealous of Mino's chemistry with Alexa
Notes: I don't know if this was what you hoped for when you wrote the prompt. I tried my best. Hope you enjoy! :)
It had always been Nam Taehyun’s dream to visit Europe especially London. )
Comments 1
Poor Taehyunie TT he's comparing himself with Alexa... it's interesting, the way you compared their personnalities! It's the same as how i see them myself! :)
The little angst at the end though TT it's not fully settled between Mino and Taehyun TT they should talk about it!! Maybe with Alexa? I thought Taehyun would talk a bit with her~
Aaaah, it makes me nostalgic of exit:e era!
Thank you for this ff ♥
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