Rah et plus j'écoute "Follow the Nightingale" suis le cauchemard XDDD et plus je suis entre mes mouchoirs sur les couplets/le pont et le dandinage sur le refrain XD JE NEM DE TROP <3
Et dans le genre "asiatiques qui viennent faire un tour en France", DBSK est venu à Pariiiis ya quelques jours \o/ (on les connait pas trop mais on s'en fout, ya le blond dans la vidéo XP~) !
Ah ils sont venu???? Dire que je les ai vu en concert et que je savais pas XDDDD YAAAAAAAAAAY AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX CHAMPS ELYSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! Et "bonjouRRRRRRRRRRRR" (ah ben oui hein, les "rrrrr" à la française, c'est dégueu apparement XDDDD)
And I agree, it doesn't sound impossible for Arashi to start touring in Japan huh?Make sure to save me a ticket if they go there! ;D ..and I don't know any French so I'll just be your English Conversation Partner and Fellow Arashi Fangirl. XD
I think you wanted to say to start touring Europe ne? They're touring Japan enough like it is XDDDDD YOU'RE TICKET IS DEFINITELY SAVED IF THEY COME XDDDD (ooooh the crazy fantasies I have about an Arashi concert in Paris T0T) Don't worry, I just loooooooooooooooooove love love speaking English, and you're a fellow Arashi fan, so we'll just stalk them down together XDDDD
I am sooooooooooooooo jealous. Nobody ever comes here *pouts* Or if they do, I never hear about it. I love Kokia - I have one of her albums and have done for years. My favourite is Watashi no Taiyou. Did you know she studied for several years in New York? Is that ever cool or what.
Maybe I should send you a note to give to her if you meet her again *chuckles* Her voice is beautiful...
Eeeh? That's not true, KOKIA recorded her last album in Ireland. And you know, you're nearly as far from Paris as I am XDDDD (800km or so) Watashi no Taiyou is amazing indeed, I mostly like all her songs from "Trip Trip" and "Remember me". Yep I knew it, that's why she's fluent in English, during her first concert in France, she had a French-Japanese translator but discovered the audience understood when she spoke English, so during her second concert, she was only speaking English to us (some Japanese also, and basic French), and her accent is wonderful.
Well I wouldn't mind at all, if I ever have the chance to meet her properly again, if I have your note, I'll definitely give it (I'm going to make a letter too so it's not like I'm not going to try XD)
I love Kokia's music!! Her voice is just AMAZING and unique! I believe is such a beautiful song. And i love soyo kaze ga sougen o naderu youni, Shiroi Yuki from her first album and ashioto! These three songs will stay in my Mp3 forever! <3
Her concerts seem to be amazing! I read a lot of reports. I'm so hesitating to take places for the 22 march (money T^T)...I really must decide myself quickly,lol.
(And you also see Rie Fu! *0* She is one of my favorite japanese singer!!!)
YAY KOKIA FAN \ooooo/ i swear seeing "I Believ" live makes everybody cry. EVERYTIME!
I don't remember where you live so it will be expensive for you to come to Paris, but seriously if you can, you won't regret it. Seeing her live is a wonderful experience, it's nearly like you can't listen to the CDs anymore after that, because they represent only 20% of the power of her prestence on scene and all she gives to the audience.
(aahahah, yep, at that time, I only heard of her because of Bleach OP XDDDD She sung 5 songs at this time, some in English too)
I FREAKING LOVE IT TOO!!!! Brings me back to last february, and this is with this interview that Nino started his France craziness X333333333333
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! Bon ben si tu veux qu'on se voit cocotte, y a pas de probs hein! En tout je reste 3 ou 4 jours sur Paris aller d'aller à Lille puis en Belgique. Bon par contre, j'ai une place carré or, je sais pas si t'as pris ça, puis je vais me pointer super tôt devant la salle, genre 8h, parce que l'année dernière, elle est arrivée vers 9h30 pour faire sa repet, et y avait déjà des gens qui attendaient et ils ont pu lui parler T0T M'enfin, y a encore le temps d'ici à Mars XD
There's always that Paris Disneyland prize which Nino and Sho won in TFP ^^. And its 2 tickets each. They just might do a France special like they did in New York, maybe with a mini concert on the side... Who knows right? Disney+Johnny's colaboration??
I'm still wishing for their concert in Malaysia or Singapore. They missed the Thailand one.. *hoping really hard*
IF ONLY THEY COULD DO THAT T0T *daydreams* ROFL JOHNNY'S+DISNEY OMG XDDDD Well the guy from V6 *don't remember the name* sung for Tarzan so WHO KNOWS XDDDDDD
I really really hope for you fans in Asia that they will do something like Jet Storm once again, for the countries they haven't been to!
Comments 25
Rah et plus j'écoute "Follow the Nightingale" suis le cauchemard XDDD et plus je suis entre mes mouchoirs sur les couplets/le pont et le dandinage sur le refrain XD JE NEM DE TROP <3
Et dans le genre "asiatiques qui viennent faire un tour en France", DBSK est venu à Pariiiis ya quelques jours \o/ (on les connait pas trop mais on s'en fout, ya le blond dans la vidéo XP~) !
*cuddle attacku~*
*en train de mettre le single sur l'ipod*
Ah ils sont venu???? Dire que je les ai vu en concert et que je savais pas XDDDD
YAAAAAAAAAAY AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUX CHAMPS ELYSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! Et "bonjouRRRRRRRRRRRR" (ah ben oui hein, les "rrrrr" à la française, c'est dégueu apparement XDDDD)
*super mega hug de la mort*
And I agree, it doesn't sound impossible for Arashi to start touring in Japan huh?Make sure to save me a ticket if they go there! ;D
..and I don't know any French so I'll just be your English Conversation Partner and Fellow Arashi Fangirl. XD
I think you wanted to say to start touring Europe ne? They're touring Japan enough like it is XDDDDD YOU'RE TICKET IS DEFINITELY SAVED IF THEY COME XDDDD (ooooh the crazy fantasies I have about an Arashi concert in Paris T0T)
Don't worry, I just loooooooooooooooooove love love speaking English, and you're a fellow Arashi fan, so we'll just stalk them down together XDDDD
I bet JE controlled my brain into typing that 'cause they don't want to share Arashi. D:
sdf;lkjs;odg YAY!!
And I've always wanted to visit Europe so... XD
ROFL It won't be very European, as when I go to Paris, I only stay in the Japanese district XDDDD *lose all her money over JE mags and Japanese food*
Maybe I should send you a note to give to her if you meet her again *chuckles* Her voice is beautiful...
Watashi no Taiyou is amazing indeed, I mostly like all her songs from "Trip Trip" and "Remember me". Yep I knew it, that's why she's fluent in English, during her first concert in France, she had a French-Japanese translator but discovered the audience understood when she spoke English, so during her second concert, she was only speaking English to us (some Japanese also, and basic French), and her accent is wonderful.
Well I wouldn't mind at all, if I ever have the chance to meet her properly again, if I have your note, I'll definitely give it (I'm going to make a letter too so it's not like I'm not going to try XD)
You have some time, it's in mid-March anyway <3
I believe is such a beautiful song. And i love soyo kaze ga sougen o naderu youni, Shiroi Yuki from her first album and ashioto! These three songs will stay in my Mp3 forever! <3
Her concerts seem to be amazing! I read a lot of reports. I'm so hesitating to take places for the 22 march (money T^T)...I really must decide myself quickly,lol.
(And you also see Rie Fu! *0* She is one of my favorite japanese singer!!!)
Ah i like that Nino ITW...Give me hope!~~ :DD
i swear seeing "I Believ" live makes everybody cry. EVERYTIME!
I don't remember where you live so it will be expensive for you to come to Paris, but seriously if you can, you won't regret it. Seeing her live is a wonderful experience, it's nearly like you can't listen to the CDs anymore after that, because they represent only 20% of the power of her prestence on scene and all she gives to the audience.
(aahahah, yep, at that time, I only heard of her because of Bleach OP XDDDD She sung 5 songs at this time, some in English too)
I FREAKING LOVE IT TOO!!!! Brings me back to last february, and this is with this interview that Nino started his France craziness X333333333333
J'hésitais mais ton post m'a fait craquée!!! lol! En plus je n'ai pas d'excuses: je n'habite qu'à 100 km de Paris (et j'y fait mes études! xD)
La video live de Chouwa: comment je pouvais ne pas y aller après ça! C'etait magnifique! ;_;
Bon ben si tu veux qu'on se voit cocotte, y a pas de probs hein! En tout je reste 3 ou 4 jours sur Paris aller d'aller à Lille puis en Belgique.
Bon par contre, j'ai une place carré or, je sais pas si t'as pris ça, puis je vais me pointer super tôt devant la salle, genre 8h, parce que l'année dernière, elle est arrivée vers 9h30 pour faire sa repet, et y avait déjà des gens qui attendaient et ils ont pu lui parler T0T
M'enfin, y a encore le temps d'ici à Mars XD
I'm still wishing for their concert in Malaysia or Singapore. They missed the Thailand one.. *hoping really hard*
ROFL JOHNNY'S+DISNEY OMG XDDDD Well the guy from V6 *don't remember the name* sung for Tarzan so WHO KNOWS XDDDDDD
I really really hope for you fans in Asia that they will do something like Jet Storm once again, for the countries they haven't been to!
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