
Dec 03, 2006 18:54

On Friday, I had a training class (on "Exceptional Customer Service"), so I only had one hour at the library at the end of the day. The class was actually kind of fun and there were three other people there from the library ( Read more... )

work: sbpl, kids, spanish

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Comments 9

clydeside December 4 2006, 03:21:39 UTC
If you've got an upset child, have one person go look for the parents, and someone else stay with the kid to try to keep them happy. Yeah, they won't like that you're not mommy, but picture books, games, walking with them a little (or carrying them), singing songs (even if they don't understand english) are all really easy things to do to keep the child remotely occupied. :D Little kids are easy to control and keep calm as long as you act like absolutely nothing is wrong!

Congratulations on the haaaiiiir cuuuut! Post pictures? What do you think of it? Five inches is a lot!


winkingstar December 4 2006, 05:03:24 UTC
Since she couldn't describe her parents, I took her with me on the mommy-hunt, but I had a coworker stay in the children's area in case the parents came back (not likely). It was also a bit more pressing since the library was closing in about 5 minutes. It always makes me mad when people leave their very young kids unattended because the library is, unfortunately, not as safe as one could hope.

I like my haircut. (I cut it myself. ^_^) It was rather a lot of hair to see in my trash bin. But I like it. I can never decide if I like my hair better long or short, so I just alternate. And it was time for a stint with shorter hair. There will be pics eventually, but I keep forgetting to recharge the batteries for my digital camera. ^^;


grimmyx December 4 2006, 03:33:45 UTC
And today I started trying to re-plan my life. Because I will be okay.

There's nothing I could have read that would have made me as happy as reading that. And things will be ok. This is your dream so fight for your dream.

You know I'm rooting for you and I'm behind you, No matter what direction your life takes.

I love you and I hope you will always call me friend.

P.S. I'm getting another cold.


grimmyx December 4 2006, 03:35:05 UTC
I wonder how I did that.

*shakes his head*


hikaru_daydream December 4 2006, 04:18:03 UTC
:wearing HAZMAT suit:

Thank you for censoring, Bear~! XD


winkingstar December 4 2006, 05:07:07 UTC
You broke my LJ. XD

Thanks for the support. My awesome friends-network is part of the reason why I know I will be okay. :)

I'll keep going ahead, no matter what.


hikaru_daydream December 4 2006, 04:31:31 UTC
OHMYGOSH! :kicks parents: You do not do that to a 1-1.5 year old! Grr.

Ooooo You cut your hair~!!!! :squee: I wanna see! I WANNA SEE!!!

And today I started trying to re-plan my life. Because I will be okay.
T___T I was so happy to read this! I was just about to email you with my mother's advice for when life sucks and a pity party is on the horizon (not that you were having one, 'cause you weren't, but my mom's "cure" would get a laugh out of you at least)!

I'm still going to email you, but now at least I be so worried about you. :supertackleglompattack!: I'm not so good with the life advice (as if you hadn't realized that already. >_<;).

I ♥ you, Laura-Bunny~~~~~! :more glompings:

(PS Doctor Who season 1 is on BBC America @ 9pm central if you get that channel.)


winkingstar December 4 2006, 05:12:34 UTC
Yes, I would still love to hear your mom's advice for when life sucks. ;) Life advice is hard. That's why it rocks to have such awesome friends to give me huggle-glomp attacks when I need them. :D

Love ya tooooo~~~!!! *is glomped*

(T_T I don't think we get that channel~! *sobs*)


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