We're having a tea party! Do come in!

Jan 29, 2011 14:54

January is evidently [Hot Tea Month], which I thoroughly approve. Though I enjoy hot tea all year round (with the exception of the worst days of summer), the contrast between the extreme cold of winter and the warmth of a hot drink makes it all the more delectable. It's one of my favourite things about winter! So grab some tea (or other hot drink of your choice), bring some blankets and pillows to add to the blanket fort, and let's have a tea party!

You can join the party using your LJ name, OpenID, or anonymously. (If you use the anonymous feature, I ask that you sign your comments in some consistent fashion, so that we can tell one anon apart from another.)

You are more than welcome to invite your flists - the more the merrier!

What is a party without a random poll?

Poll (We all know this is really just an excuse for ticky boxes.)

I'll start a few conversations going, but if you'd like to start another topic, feel free! Just give your conversation a name in the comment subject line.

I'll keep this open until Sunday evening, so please wander through whenever you can between your other weekend plans. I'll be wandering in and out, too - since I'm the hostess, though, I'll keep you updated on whether I'm here or not below.

winkingstar is: present & accounted for! getting dinner aroundabouts off for sleepytimes; play nicely! back for more! off to a movie; back in a few hours back & in desperate need of more tea after braving the cold! over & out!

tea parties, friends, tea

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