OK, I usually leave the politics to
mmaestro but I'm getting increasingly frustrated by political discussions of late, and
this op-ed bit in the Washington Post (comparing criticism's of Israel's attacks on Lebannon with Mel Gibon's recent drunken anti-Semitic tirade) really, really irritated me. (Noticing that Jimmy Carter's
op-ed piece in the same issue seems to have provoked some predictable blog responses that Carter is obviously anti-Semitic didn't make me feel better.)
I'm just getting really tired of the whole, "Anyone who disagrees with anything that Israel does is obviously anti-Semitic" routine. It's like saying that since I don't agree with the war in Iraq, I obviously hate the US, Americans, and Christians and Christianity. (Which I admit some people would say, but most people would agree is nuts. The Israel thing is much more wide-spread: it even sprung up on a professional e-mail list I'm on.)
Gah. Remember how many people complained about Spielberg's Munich, which didn't even say that Israel was wrong to assassinate the killers, just that it hadn't really fixed anything in the long run and that it wasn't good for the assassin's emotional health?
In personal news, I'm sleep-deprived and therefore easily annoyed. I've gotten virtually nothing constructive done at work today and I have an important deadline Friday. Tonight I must sleep, dammit.