023 [Text] | Forward dated to 4AM

Aug 27, 2011 20:43

I've been told it's been almost nine days. If I could be informed of anything of import that I've missed, it would be appreciated.

[Filtered to Rei, Raven, Gabriel, the Winchesters, Jo, Kyoko] )

lost another life, siblings suck, *text, asking questions, life sucks i know

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[text] knew_anyway August 28 2011, 05:04:44 UTC
I cannot tell you what occurred before Monday, as that was when I was brought here.

Monday I arrived toward the beginning of an event which enforced politeness, causing people to appear strained and uncomfortable, yet maintaining smiles and kind words. (I apologize for the lack of information on Monday, I was busy most of the day).

Looking back, a gentleman made a post in reference to resurrecting a dog via necromancy. He was affected by the event at this time. It was also this gentleman's birthday. At this time, Sherlock Holmes left Adstringendum and returned home, and someone named Hanna was found dead, but he returned later on that day.

Tuesday this gentleman informed everyone that he was alright after a disappearance (?). this woman was looking for a gun. Tuesday was rather ineventful.

Wednesday, I made my first post to the network. I have already received an answer to my question, do not bother informing me of the lack of government. Again, there were no significant posts on Wednesday other than that.

Thursday, ( ... )


[text] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 17:50:28 UTC
Large rooms with flat, unmarked hardwood floors. Not too much disarray- none at all, if I want to be picky. And space enough for a library, or at the very least, a fair many papers.


[text] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 18:36:39 UTC
[Wow. That is specific.]

You are indeed going to have a difficult time finding such a location.


[text] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 18:41:17 UTC
I'll figure something out.



[text] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 18:51:28 UTC
You would have better fortune if you could substitute wooden floors for stone.


[text] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 18:55:55 UTC
...I could work with that. So long as they're flat.


[text] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 19:01:49 UTC
The Taj Mahal is in the southern half of the northwest quarter, near the outer wall.


[text] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 19:09:14 UTC
I'll look at that. Thank you.


[text] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 19:28:50 UTC
Of course.


[text] [Private || Unhackable] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 19:32:00 UTC
[A long pause, before he replies.]

...you're one of the angels everyone keeps talking about, correct?


[text] [Private || Unhackable] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 19:36:49 UTC
[He also has a delay, as he's deciding how to answer.]

I am.


[text] [Private || Unhackable] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 19:43:46 UTC
[It's even longer this time- almost an hour, with the words typed out, in Nathaniel's hands, but he's not quite able to send it. This is silly. It's just a simple question.]

What happens after you die?


[text] [Private || Unhackable] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 19:53:52 UTC
[This is an easy question for him to answer, so his response comes faster.]

It varies between worlds. In mine, human souls continue on to either Heaven or Hell, depending on their actions in life. Souls of creatures such as vampires go to Purgatory.


[text] [Private || Unhackable] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 19:55:06 UTC
What sorts of actions leads one to one place or another?

[He shouldn't sound so curious. That makes it obvious.]


[text] [Private || Unhackable] wingsandwill August 30 2011, 20:03:55 UTC
[He doesn't think anything of it; these questions are pretty standard when someone realizes he's an angel.]

There is no set list. Murder, for example, does not automatically condemn you, depending on circumstances.

It's far easier to end up in Heaven than in Hell. To go to the latter, one usually must've been completely immoral, and uncaring of anyone other than themselves. Or, they must've made a deal with a demon.


[text] [Private || Unhackable] knew_anyway August 30 2011, 20:06:31 UTC
A demon?

[Oh dear. Lucky for Nathaniel, their worlds were very different, and 'demon' had different connotations.]


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