Oct 24, 2011 22:14
[It's late. It's cold. Florina's tired, sore, and upset, but right now, she just wants to get home. Anyone outside tonight might catch a flash of white soaring overhead, or see a pegasus and her rider knocking enthusiastically at the window of apartment 8 in the first Community Housing building.]
Ah! I'm alright! A-a-and I found her!
found: one flying horse,
wibble face,
oh horsefeathers,
now with more flailing
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Yeah. Very cartoony looking pegasus staring right back at them, also conveniently located in the sky.]
[She shrugs and then... shifts into a very human-like position. Front legs behind her head in a way that shouldn't even be possible for a pony.]
Equestria's run by ponies. Sure, there's other animals around, but most of 'em don't talk.
B-but you don't have any hands!
We can do a lot with our hooves. Plus, unicorns have magic for everything hooves can't cover.
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