
Apr 03, 2008 16:12

Boooooored. ~_~

Aerith still won't let me go out. She's a tyrant ;_; I'm a prisoner in my own home! Someone rescue me?

Oh, hey, Cloud? I'm not mad at you anymore. Come over and keep me company, >_> You have kids now too, right? You should bring 'em over and introduce me or something.

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herobydefault April 3 2008, 20:20:41 UTC


wingenvy April 3 2008, 20:43:07 UTC
Naa, it got old real fast. Would be nice if you talked to me about this kind of stuff, though.


herobydefault April 3 2008, 20:47:27 UTC
I thought you'd

...All...all right.

...they're not mine mine, y'know. The kids. I'm just...y'know.


wingenvy April 3 2008, 20:52:00 UTC
Sweet deal.

Haha, I know that, you dork. But they sound really cute anyway! So what do you say?


herobydefault April 3 2008, 22:47:39 UTC
Yeah, I can bring them by. I...kind of wanted to Denzel to meet you.

...How do you know about them, anyways?


wingenvy April 3 2008, 23:44:21 UTC
Aww, that's sweet. Bring them over anytime. I'll try to behave.

Dude, Cloud, it's me. I have my ways ^_~ And I have nothing better to do than nap and stalk the journals all day


herobydefault April 4 2008, 00:24:05 UTC
You'd better. Denzel's got a temper.

...could you go back to calling me Spike?


wingenvy April 4 2008, 00:37:42 UTC
Aww, how spunky! He's like a miniature of you.

... You like that nickname?


herobydefault April 4 2008, 00:47:26 UTC
What? Is not, I'm not like that.



wingenvy April 4 2008, 00:52:47 UTC
I guess I'll have to see for myself!

Good, because I like it, too.



herobydefault April 4 2008, 01:15:15 UTC
I think he'll like you. Simon too. But...well, be gentle with Simon, okay? He's...shy.

...I think he was abused. Neglected, at least.


wingenvy April 4 2008, 01:20:10 UTC
Shy kid, huh? I'll try my best. Aerith might be around, at least, if he needs some quiet attention.

WHAT?! By who?! Has he told you anything? Argh, that pisses me off...!!


herobydefault April 4 2008, 01:32:39 UTC
He hasn't said much, but from what I've gathered he's an orphan...and apparently nobody in his village likes him, or takes proper care of him.

Except a boy named Kamina, but he doesn't talk about him much.


wingenvy April 4 2008, 01:49:37 UTC
Poor kid... Cloud Strife to the rescue, huh? He's in good hands, man.


herobydefault April 4 2008, 02:48:57 UTC
It's- No. I'm...not good with kids. Tifa's better.


wingenvy April 4 2008, 04:10:12 UTC
Don't start with that, I bet you're a great dad!


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