[When the feed comes on, Cross can be seen kneeling on the floor in a meeting room. Maria's skirt can be seen off to the side as her master listens in on the conversation before him. Cross is safe from view behind Maria's curtain but he won't linger long just in case someone moved and headed in his direction. After a few minutes of listening in to
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They can't mean that. [It's a filler phrase; something to start conversation because she's fully aware that they can and clearly do, and won't you kindly stay still while we line you up and shoot you down? She could just kick herself for letting Kanda travel to Credinta so often.] It's one thing not to want us to come near their city, but to contemplate genocide...!
I wouldn't call it genocide exactly... The arguments made for wanting the city wiped out were valid as were those against it. They're at a standstill, Lenalee. It's not something that would happen easily.
Surprisingly hotly for a young girl speaking to a General:] The arguments for wanting to demolish this place are valid? There are people living here who have no choice in the matter, who don't get any say in what happens to them if the plans were to go through. Easy or not, afraid or not, they shouldn't speak of something like that so lightly.
What were the arguments against it like?
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