Gone to the movies

May 31, 2010 22:32

Two days ago I went to the movies with my Mom to go see Iron Man 2. Before the movie started the theater had one of those movie preview shows. Here is my commentary about both.

Why Iron Man 2 won't be a sequel you'll be sad to miss )

saku has gone insane, holy shit, review, movies

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Comments 3

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windsrequiem June 2 2010, 03:07:06 UTC
I hope the movie will be good =3


zelos22 June 2 2010, 00:43:18 UTC
bummer... only three action scenes!? i thought the action would be its selling point D: blech. i LOVED the first Ironman movie but i was skeptical about the quality of a sequel :P so your B- rating for it doesnt surprise me. story pacing is a huge deal for me so if it just draaaaaaaaaaaaaags and then goes super fast, i think ill go crazy x_X

meh, every movie that looks sorta interesting these days keep getting pretty "blah" reviews from everyone. *hasnt been to a movie theater since 2008*. i want an epic must-see so badly >.< something that wont disappoint in any aspect, but i dont think that movie will exist anytime soon D:

no clue who Zac effron is and never saw High School Musical. i hate musicals and high school so i didnt bother xP


windsrequiem June 2 2010, 03:14:37 UTC
Yeah, I hoped for it to get a fair amount of action too. But really it didn't get a lot. And they're all very far apart too. One late in the beginning, one in the middle in which you are far already bored, and one disappointing secquence in the end. Most of the movie was just Tony Stark angsting while the military and his comrades were complaining on his ass. =\ Yeah, it was driving me crazy to. I had to go to the bathroom during the middle and I seriously stayed there in hopes of waiting and then going back to hopefully come to a point which things would pick up. I was actually lucky by returning when Tony had his "epiphany" XD

Well, it is summer time in which those action-packed epics are known to raise their head. Hopefully there can be a good one soon. =3

I was unfortunate to see it, I really didn't it. D= And Zac Effron is the main guy in that movie, the one with the blonde hair.


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