My Views on Feminism (In Another's Words)

Apr 16, 2012 04:37

So this actually came from tumblr, but this has been on my mind SO MUCH lately-partially as I think and plot an original 'verse I've had in the back of my mind for many years now, and partially just thinking about life in general-and I just think it's really important for me to put out there. Because while I don't condone the attitude of "[insert ( Read more... )

this is why i write, okay random, soapbox, signal boost, i can haz explanashun?, shiiiiiiny!, waitwhut?, this is like so important omj, thinky-thoughts, this is not my joking face, stop! hammertime., why i love fandom, one of those days i get all: contemplati, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., i know where i've been

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Comments 1

a_phoenixdragon April 16 2012, 12:02:57 UTC



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