Something Borrowed, Someone Blue [eT] Peter/Elle

Jun 19, 2011 17:22

Title: Something Borrowed, Someone Blue
Rating: eT
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Elle
Warnings: language
Genres: Romance, Het, Humor
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 2581
Disclaimer: I'd put a collar round Peter's neck too, given my druthers. Ah well. Lucky Elizabeth gets that privilege if she so chooses. ;P
Notes: Written for and flailed ( Read more... )

rating: et, fic: white collar, warnings: language, enticement: pre-series, genre: het, genre: romance, pairing: burkes, genre: humor, fandom: white collar, enticement: established relationship!fic, team: burke, category: one-shot, enticement: past!fic, enticement: wedding!fic, character: white collar: elizabeth burke, character: white collar: peter burke

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Comments 1

a_phoenixdragon June 20 2011, 10:35:43 UTC
AWWWWWWW!!! ♥!!!

This was glorious!! *Squishes Elle and Peter*

*Loves on you*


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