I have noticed this, too. And I agree. Random!kink is random.

Apr 22, 2011 03:27

From a review by Mkitkat of a White Collar fic on FFN:

"But I really really hope that you do NOT put in spanking into this I’m finding it odd the amount of people tha want Neal spanked ( Read more... )

fandom: white collar, okay random, i can haz explanashun?, waitwhut?, srslywtf?, when fangirls attack..., *iz confused*, just when you think it's safe..., fandom iz crazycakes, some people's kids, no srsly wtf are you doing guys?

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Comments 1

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windscryer April 22 2011, 16:46:31 UTC
INORITE?! But yes, it's listed as "non-sexual, disciplinary spanking" along with a CLEAR marking of either Peter/Neal friendship or just plain Gen!fic or even Peter/Neal father/son bond.

... )


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