I can't breathe. Oh stars. I can't...

Feb 12, 2011 09:28

I may have really, really screwed up this time, guys. I forgot to take my psych test last night. I was thinking about it on my way home and then I walked in the door and it just BAM! Out of my head. And then I fell asleep early and- and- IT'S WORTH 100 POINTS. IT'S LIKE A FIFTH OF MY GRADE AND IF YOU GET ANYTHING LESS THAN A B YOU FAIL THE CLASS ( Read more... )

*cries*, there is not enough prozac in the world, fml, *passes out*, some days i miss the open ocean, rattlers in my stomach, just when you think it's safe..., all skool & no sleep makes maja- -_-zzzz, halp!, i can't blame this on alcohol, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, escuse me have you seen my marbles?, wtf maja are you on drugs?, and then? i totally fainted., ;_;, brb have to go die now, *facepalm*, *bleepitybleepbleep*, winged bears? it's the end times!, i'm sort of freaking out, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, karmic puppies 4 sale, *headdesk*

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Comments 4

hezio2 February 12 2011, 21:05:11 UTC
ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod please tell me they are going to let you take it. Please update so that I know cuz I'm freaking out for you. I don't even know what I'd do if I was in that situation. I'd just freak. For like ever.


windscryer February 12 2011, 23:37:12 UTC
I don't know. I emailed my prof, but I haven't heard back yet. AUGH. I'm trying not to think about it right now because I would go insane if I did. But I will update when I know WTF is going on.


windscryer February 12 2011, 23:48:05 UTC


hezio2 February 13 2011, 00:07:43 UTC
Oh Thank God!! That is fantastic, I am so happy for you. WHEW!


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