Psych You Out (A Supernatural Remix) Master Post

Jan 09, 2009 01:13

Series: Psych You Out (A Supernatural Remix)
Rating: e-M
Characters/Pairings: Shawn, Sam, Dean
Warnings: violence, gore, language
Genres: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Gen, Supernatural, Action/Adventure, Humor
Stories: 2
Completed: probably never
Disclaimer: I have copies of the DVDs and rumor has it I have the boys in question living in my closet, but I am making no money from this and I'm not in charge of writing or making either show or THIS WOULD SO BE CANON. :D
Notes: Seriously? Could two shows be more perfect for a crossover? I don't think so. This will eventually encompass the whole of Shawn and Sam and Dean knowing each other. From that first fateful meeting to the bittersweet end. And all the fun in between. :D

Many stories are written already, they will be posted here just as soon as I can get my lazy ass in gear. Order of listing under the first section is order of occurrence in the 'verse which will not reflect order of posting. The second section has stories where the exact timeline placement is unknown or irrelevant.

Timeline Dependant Stories
A Psychic, a Hunter, and a Werewolf Walk Into a Bar, [M] Shawn, Dean (language, gore) Friendship, Gen, Supernatural, Hurt/Comfort, Action/Adventure, Humor - Shawn was just minding his business and playing some pool when his life took a sharp turn South. And he's not talking Georgia here. But at least it's good company.

Timeline Independent Stories
Double, Double Toil and Trouble, [T] Shawn, Dean, Sam (language, gore) Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Gen, Supernatural - It's just another day in paradise and Sam can't help but wonder when 'paradise' became synonymous with 'hell'.

genre: fluff, enticement: hero!fic: shawn, genre: action/adventure, character: psych: shawn spencer, fic: supernatural, fandom: crossover: psych/spn, 'verse: pyo(asr), genre: friendship, fandom: psych, rating: t, character: supernatural: sam winchester, fic: psych, character: multifandom: motw, enticement: whump: bleeding!fic, rating: et, genre: crossover, genre: gen, rating: m, warnings: language, rating: e, warnings: violence, category: multi-chapter, character: supernatural: dean winchester, fandom: supernatural, genre: humor, whump: shawn!whump, warnings: gore, enticement: de-aged!fic, genre: hurt/comfort, category: series, whump: dean!damage, genre: supernatural

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