Dress Blues and Gold Badges Master Post

Dec 17, 2009 00:31

Title: Dress Blues and Gold Badges
Rating: T
Characters/Pairings: Lassiter/Juliet
Warnings: Implications of nookie, Lassiter-flavored fluff, regulation infringement, intra-departmental fraternization, crossing the ship line into unfamiliar territory, matchmaker!Shawn
Genres: Romance, Het, Angst
Chapters: 3
Completed: They're all ( Read more... )

master post: fic: db&gb, enticement: whump: scared, warnings: violence, genre: het, character: psych: shawn spencer, team: jassie, genre: romance, warnings: implied nookie, category: one-shot collection: db&gb, fandom: psych, genre: humor, character: psych: carlton lassiter, rating: t, enticement: matchmaker!fic: shawn, enticement: established relationship!fic, genre: drama, category: one-shot, enticement: makeout!fic, fic: psych, pairing: lassiter/juliet, enticement: dating!fic, character: psych: juliet o'hara, genre: angst, enticement: heroine!fic: juliet

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Comments 5

king_styles December 17 2009, 19:45:39 UTC
I donut remember this series... I should re-read.


windscryer December 17 2009, 19:52:56 UTC
The first one is the only one previously published.

A new Muse showed up yesterday and made me write the rest.

*winces and flexes her sore fingers*


gagewhitney January 1 2010, 22:40:06 UTC
I love them all. Please continue!


windscryer January 10 2010, 21:52:15 UTC
Thank you! And I can't say when, but I am very sure that this is not the end of this. :D


gagewhitney January 12 2010, 00:36:36 UTC
Woo hoo! :-)


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