Title: Not On My Watch
Rating: T for language
Characters/Pairings: Sam and Dean, none
Warnings: angst, possible abuse/misuse of sacred resources, schmoop out the wazoo
Spoilers: 2.19 Croatoan
Genres: Gen, Family, Schmoop, smidge of Angst
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 2359
Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine. Sad, but true.
Notes: Post-
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Comments 14
Also I love (and miss) Dean's certainty here. Some things just hurt worse in hindsight. *sigh*
Oh, boys.
I know! I like to think that deep down Dean still feels this way, but it's hard sometimes. Especially when I can't really blame him because Sam is taking after his father in being a total bastard.
Dude, trufax. Hindsight may be 20/20, but sometimes you don't WANT to see things that clearly.
*ties them down and makes them watch season one until they remember how things are supposed to be*
Thanks for the love! <3
Though I wonder if, in Season 4 at the height of his blood drinking it would have had any effect. Huh. Something to consider for another fic maybe. :D
I *HAD* to do a speech like that. Mostly because I miss that blind faith Dean had in Sam's goodness, but also because it was applicable here. :D
Oh boys indeed.
This is the Sam/Dean relationship that caused me to fall for the Show in the beginning--you write it well.
Sigh, wonder if they'll ever be as good again...
I have faith that even if it won't be EXACTLY the same, they're brothers first and foremost. They'll get back there. :D
And if they don't I have an armory full of asplodey things and google.maps-fu.
Yeah, I guess Sam's and Dean's names are pretty well-chosen, huh?... "requested of God / God heard / God's name" and "school leader / head of a church".
Your Sam and Dean are so real. *hugs them*
They are! Both the given and surnames are very fitting. I think this is more evidence Eric is a sneaky little bastard and I want to steal his brains love him for it.
Awww! Thanks! Love to hear I'm doing them justice. :D
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