Fort Knox Has Nothing on Poughkeepsie

Nov 17, 2009 05:08

Title: Fort Knox Has Nothing on Poughkeepsie
Rating: M for Dean's filthy, filthy mouth
Characters/Pairings: Sam and Dean, none
Warnings: pillow fights, disparagement of a beloved Disney Movie, language, brotherly schmoop, flahsbacks
Genres: Gen, Wee!chester, Fluff
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 4699
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine, ( Read more... )

genre: fluff, character: supernatural: sam winchester, genre: gen, warnings: language, rating: m, category: one-shot, genre: wee!chester, fic: supernatural, character: supernatural: dean winchester, damn you lj-cut, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 23

borgmama1of5 December 5 2009, 03:59:43 UTC
Oh, this was sweet!

I loved the dialog, Dean's big brother snarking!

A fun read.


windscryer December 5 2009, 14:57:24 UTC
Always nervous about the dialogue, so it's nice to hear it worked.

Thanks for stopping by!


nightporters December 5 2009, 08:27:36 UTC
This made me laugh and sob at the same time.


windscryer December 5 2009, 14:58:06 UTC
I know, right? Guh. Those boys. *SMISHES THEM ALL TO DEATH*

Thanks for the love!


embroiderama December 5 2009, 14:26:08 UTC
Really adorable! I love their banter and also Sam getting an insight into Dean.


windscryer December 5 2009, 14:59:39 UTC
Thanks! Glad to hear the banter worked! It's my favorite part to write, but I'm always afraid it's only funny to me.

LOL Any chance to help Sam understand the enigma wrapped inside a taco that is Dean is a good one, I say. :D


travelin_deanw January 3 2010, 07:44:32 UTC
I loved this story now I wish I could build a fort, but its not raining and its also 3 am in the morning -.- Thanks for the laughs and the Lion King awesome. That is so true about Nala and Simba... Ewww Dean is an epic brother


windscryer January 10 2010, 17:34:03 UTC

Rain is not a requirement. Just a convenient excuse. ;D That sounds like the perfect time!

I personally love Lion King, but even I can admit there are some flaws. I prefer to pretend that Nala's dad was some random rogue lion that wandered through. Yeah, that's it . . .

Dean is an epic everything. HOMJ I love him. *squishes him*

Thanks for the comment! :D



enablelove January 10 2010, 17:16:26 UTC
haha that was adorable :)


windscryer January 10 2010, 17:34:38 UTC
:D Thanks! Glad you liked it!

And thanks for the comment! :D



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