[ sorry but i've got to go, the birth was quick but the death is slow ]oshutupJanuary 16 2009, 04:55:11 UTC
The wind tells him where Lan is without him even having to ask and he thinks maybe the hint was a fair one, even if the switch still isn't. He isn't okay with this and he won't ever be, really, even in retrospect, but he finds he holds a frustration that holds more confusion than anger for the wind walker and that in itself is, of course, only cause for more confounding things when he has too much time to think. Vicious cycle. Fickle weather. Something, something, something. Peter has no words for it all and yet he seeks this person out, not knowing what to ask next or how to go about the asking even if he did.
Still, the beach is one of Peter's favorite places in this strange, strange City, or rather, outside of its proper, and when he comes to rest on one of the numberless dunes, he glances to his right before spotting the only other person present. How simple it has become for him to travel on air, and yet how quickly he would relinquish it to feel whole again, and that is the true difference between someone who is something--
( ... )
[ sorry but i've got to go, the birth was quick but the death is slow ]windmemoryJanuary 16 2009, 05:07:34 UTC
Lan is quiet, for at least a moment, but smiling. It's easy to smile, he thinks, here, easier to smile than to show his true feelings. He loves the water and the beach, he loves sitting up against the white sand and seeing where three elements meet. He loves thinking that once upon a time, he would sit on the beach with another boy, a boy whose hair was made of blue floss and whose skin was as white as the sand and they would talk about the ocean and the wind. They were a fish and a bird, and it was something that even Ri didn't know about
( ... )
[ sorry but i've got to go, the birth was quick but the death is slow ]oshutupJanuary 16 2009, 05:19:41 UTC
"What have you been doing?" he decided on asking after pursing his lips and making such a face at Lan as to seem comical, though he was really just a bit irked to stare at his own face, upside down no less. How ridiculous, he thought mildly, but he was not as irritated as he would have liked to be. Hands in his pockets absently, he arched a brow, tilting his head at his own visage.
The answer to this could either end up aggravating him even more, or actually being interesting. There was the possibility of both too, but Peter would rather wait for the actual answer than make guesses at it out of the dark.
[ sorry but i've got to go, the birth was quick but the death is slow ]windmemoryJanuary 16 2009, 05:23:20 UTC
Lan managed a laugh for that question. "Nothing horrifying, I assure you," he said, sighing just a little bit in that, one of Peter's sighs. "Practicing a technique that I didn't know very well. Perfecting things." He sits back up straight and settles on the sand again. "Nothing pornographic, nothing violent, nothing you would be ashamed to tell your mother." I promise.
It was the least he could do, after all. Keep Peter's body safe and secure, with full intention of returning it at the end of the ordeal. "Why, what have you been doing?"
[ to some we seem like colder creatures ]oshutupJanuary 19 2009, 01:52:47 UTC
They agreed on the beach, so it's to the beach that Peter goes, and he does think more than a few times on his way there, that he will miss this ability, even if in the end it is worth more to him to simply be himself. He can no more deny his love of the wind at his fingertips and the earth far below him than he can deny his love of other things more well ingrained in his history, and in more than just words. This night is an exceptionally cold one but this perk of not feeling the cold certainly does come in handy for such an environment
( ... )
[ to some we seem like colder creatures ]windmemoryJanuary 19 2009, 02:06:18 UTC
They had agreed on the beach, and Lan was keeping his word, even if he was a little slow to arrive. Every step was closer, he said to himself as he watched the sun go down, every step was one mark closer to where he didn't need or want to be
( ... )
[ to some we seem like colder creatures ]oshutupJanuary 19 2009, 02:50:04 UTC
Digesting that offer, the High King folds his arms across his chest before replying, peering at Lan with strange eyes. It is still like looking at a most unsettling mirror, because he knows the face but simultaneously does not recognize himself in it.
"What did you do today?" he asks, because he is curious what one person of many does with limited 'life' remaining.
[ to some we seem like colder creatures ]windmemoryJanuary 19 2009, 02:53:42 UTC
For Lan, it was completely natural, something he did every day; look into a face that was not his own but looked completely like him. Even though Peter didn't have Ri's face movements down, and his eyes weren't green, it was almost familiar to have him wear that face.
"I took my friend Zach windwalking," he began with a laugh. "And then I learned to play baseball. I'd never played before." He cheated, of course, but it was such instinct that it didn't feel like cheating. "I took a bath in the river, even in the freezing weather. I napped on a rock and listened to the sound of your heart."
That had described his day. Then he showed up here. "And I finished a gift for you."
Comments 36
Still, the beach is one of Peter's favorite places in this strange, strange City, or rather, outside of its proper, and when he comes to rest on one of the numberless dunes, he glances to his right before spotting the only other person present. How simple it has become for him to travel on air, and yet how quickly he would relinquish it to feel whole again, and that is the true difference between someone who is something-- ( ... )
The answer to this could either end up aggravating him even more, or actually being interesting. There was the possibility of both too, but Peter would rather wait for the actual answer than make guesses at it out of the dark.
It was the least he could do, after all. Keep Peter's body safe and secure, with full intention of returning it at the end of the ordeal. "Why, what have you been doing?"
"What did you do today?" he asks, because he is curious what one person of many does with limited 'life' remaining.
"I took my friend Zach windwalking," he began with a laugh. "And then I learned to play baseball. I'd never played before." He cheated, of course, but it was such instinct that it didn't feel like cheating. "I took a bath in the river, even in the freezing weather. I napped on a rock and listened to the sound of your heart."
That had described his day. Then he showed up here. "And I finished a gift for you."
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