OOC: Verse information: Dangerous weapons

Jun 21, 2009 22:52

For information - our own reference and anybody who comes across posts/fics/threads about this 'verse. Sam is, most definitely, winchesterbitch.

- Goes AU during Lucifer Rising. Castiel does NOT manage to send Dean over to the convent, and Castiel and Dean are recaptured.

- Sam completes the release of Lucifer as per canon; and is stuck with Ruby (willkill4chips) - probably bolts, and she follows

- Dean gets to learn of Sam's 'success'; and undergoes 'conditioning' for them to make sure that he'll be up to his task. Possibly part of that is watching parts of the, ah, reprogramming (attempted or more successful) of Anna and Castiel.

- Sam completely goes terminal; breaking Ruby and biding his time until he can kill her; efficiently evading Lucifer and probably the angels too, now that he knows Ruby's game, uses her rather than falling for it.

- Dean's mind is fixed on getting back to Sam; he slips into some of the tasks he's given to 'obey' even a little too well, with a little too much enjoyment. Until they start loosening his leash a little more and he starts digging for information on Sam, systematically completing his own breakage without giving the angels all that much of control.

- Until he realizes he can leave signs himself, too. Since they do know each other well enough.

- More things to be clarified/plotted until Dean can get away.

-- somewhere in here Sam should kill a few angels to get Dean back. Even if it's only tricking them into killing each other.

- I think by that time, Dean would be fine with that. Somehow.

- Sam kills Ruby shortly after he and Dean find each other. While he's fucking her doggie style, so he can pull her head back and slit her throat with the knife. He may ask his brother to witness it. (I did warn it's getting disturbing.)

- No, Sam and Dean do not ever have sex. In many ways, they'll end up more screwed up than any who do.

- That said, they're clinging to each other; in different ways. With the Sorcerer getting the dominance, they'll probably end up sleeping on the same bed, probably spooning. (Sorcerers are touch-clingy; the way Dean breaks, a lot of the machoism/ guy's guy / no touchy-feely / no chick-flick attitude gets replaced by handling the yearning for pain, so he is not as adverse to some of it.)

- When Sam gets a girl (new favorite position? Any where he doesn't see her face.) Dean either has a task to complete, or gets very drunk in his own separate room. Or both.

- Sometimes, Sam lets Dean have a girl while sleeping in the next room. Sometimes, Sam doesn't let Dean have a girl he wants. The first time that happens, it's likely going to involve a few hissed words, a glaring contest of gazes, and then Sam just turning away and leaving.

misc: state of the muse, type: reference, voice: ooc, misc: plotting, verse: dangerous weapons

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