Weekend off (likely_evil, reporter_chloe, horsewoman_lana)

Nov 22, 2008 20:16

Dean had been pondering how to get around to talking about a weekend off - not that he deserved time for himself, at any rate, but nothing else was quite pressing, so he might just as well - when Sam tried to angle the conversation towards going somewhere that didn't involve a case. Which got Dean's attention right up, enough to ask where.

Smallville, Kansas.

Now didn't that sound familiar, from the conversation with Chloe. There'd been a 'Huh. Okay then, we're going there for the weekend?' and then they were on the road again. Which felt... good. Something to look forward to, at any rate, and they had precious little of that. Well, Dean had, and he suspected so did Sam.

They got there. They found a cafe. Dean logged in and messaged Chloe with, I'm in Smallvile, the name of the cafe, and additionally, I'm with my brother. You might consider bringing a friend along, to even out the numbers?

Sam obviously had reasons to consider coming here. But until those clarified... No harm in company, right?

ooc: suggested tagging order to begin with, Sam, Chloe, Lana, Dean, unless somebody has a better idea - and we can switch/split later?

interaction: sam (likely_evil), voice: ic, interaction: chloe, interaction: lana, verse: times off, type: rp log

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