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Comments 27

ckll July 31 2011, 18:54:06 UTC
Darn, i had no idea about this movie and i like both actors and i must find it.


wincestuouslove August 1 2011, 12:01:00 UTC
Lying on his smooth silky sheet in pain, Amin invited Nicolas into his bedroom. Their posture during the treatment was absolutely intimate and arousing but Amin showed so much trust to Nicholas thoughout the procedure. At the end, Amin opened up to Nicholes and they shared a secret.

So many homoerotic insinuations in this movie!

Damn, you like James and Forest too?! This movie is incredible especially the acting! Do you know this movie won Forest an Oscars best leading man? James was also nominated for best supporting role in BAFLA awards.

It still surprises me that the movie tells a lovestory between an African king and his white doctor underneath the blood and violence.


ckll August 1 2011, 12:18:28 UTC
I love Forest since the first time i have seen him in the brilliant 'Crying game'.


wincestuouslove August 1 2011, 13:58:07 UTC
Can you tell me what "Crying Game" is about?
The only two movies I have watched starring Forest are "Panic Room" and "Repo Men", which are not impressive at all~ :(

You MUST watch "The Last King Of Scotland", hon. It is a serious movie but please tell me if you see slash there once you watch it. There's a very hot NC-25 Amin/Nicholas slash written in Chinese which I wish but I can't translate. I am shamelessly shipping them.

I tried to buy the VCD today but they were all sold out and no re-order, I can't believe it.


corleoned July 31 2011, 22:54:23 UTC

"I’m extremely proud to be Scottish. I like the fact that we’re glorious in defeat. We can take a beating and come out with most amazing, poetic and musical playing. We really do get defeated gloriously. We play amazing stuff in defeat every single time. That’s being Scottish. That’s why it’s important for the Western audience that the protagonist of this film is Scottish.

I’m Scottish and I come from a tribal system. I started there. Then I am chosen by the English and so I’m British because I’m conquered. I’ve been raped. I’ve been pillaged and there’s been hundreds of years of that. It’s only in the last 300 years that we’ve not been getting completely pummelled.

So I go into this and I am white and I am from the West and from an economically powerful country - but I am different. I get you. I get your suffering and I won’t treat you like everyone else. I will have more respect. That’s why the film benefits from making Garrigan Scottish." Fuck yes XD -Scottish pride ( ... )


wincestuouslove August 1 2011, 12:17:42 UTC
Yep, Scots are fricking talented and sexy.

Then I am chosen by the English and so I’m British because I’m conquered. I’ve been raped.

Is it sensitive to call a Scottish "British"?
I always think Scotland is a part of the Great Britain of United Kingdom and all the English, Scottish, Irish and Welsh are "British".
Now I wonder if I will offense the later three if I call them Brits.

It is not the end of the movie. The goons take Nicholas body down and he is still alive. Following there is a sequence of events which I have not written in this post -- not only because I don't want to spoil everyone but also because I believe Nicholas would be Amin's, body and soul, if the movie stopped there.


corleoned August 1 2011, 12:23:34 UTC
I don't think anyone would take offense, persay. But it's a sensitive issue, any of the conquered lands like Ireland or Scotland. As long as someone makes it clear that when they say BRITISH they don't mean ENGLISH. It's probably just safest to call a spade a spade, I'd say XD I don't have a natural Scottish accent, but I know if my Grandfather especially was to be called British, a real hardcore Scot born and raised, he would probably give you a bit of a stink-eye for it, just because of all the bad blood over the years. The worst thing though is calling a Scottish person 'English', or an Irishman 'English', LOL, that would be the kiss of death to be honest. XD When people say "YOU CAN DO A GREAT ENGLISH ACCENT" or "ARE YOU ENGLISH", it's basically a slap to the face. (Not that I'm saying you'd make that mistake; idiot people who can't tell one accent from another do XD)

OOOO, do you mind PMing me the ending? :o


wincestuouslove August 1 2011, 13:48:57 UTC
I won't dare to say a scot "English" because I know Scotland and England are two individual places and England is just part of the Britain, however I do think they are all British because... the kingdom is united. But I agree with you that I better state it clear with their ancestry.

I was reading Angelina winning the Sarajevo movie award on newspaper then I saw Michael Sharksbender presenting the best actress award there. I fricking hate him.

Warning: Spoilers alertSo Amin shed a tear for punishing his Nicholas, then he left the room and put on his charismatic public persona to handle the journalists. His goon liad Nicholas on the floor then left the room to gamble ( ... )


stephiel July 31 2011, 23:36:42 UTC
This movie is frightening, disturbing and absolutely incredible. I saw it on Cinemax and my jaw dropped.
Stunning on every level, particularly the acting.


wincestuouslove August 1 2011, 13:00:39 UTC
IT IS INCREDIBLE!!! I have been thoughtfully warned for the two pareticular scenes so I was not disturbed. Also, the country I grew up in has a glorious history of tortures so the portrayal of Amin in this movie is not too frightening. I am more surprised at the homoeroticism between Amin and Nicholas.


slashgoddess August 21 2011, 15:13:25 UTC
absolutely brilliant and powerful.


wincestuouslove August 21 2011, 16:42:45 UTC
THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I'm glad you like it 'cos I've spent a long while for this review. I was that pathetic.


I LOVE THIS azryal August 24 2011, 21:44:04 UTC
This definitely explains the strange reaction I had to this movie the first time I saw it. (In theaters when it came out...I am a huge Forest Whittaker fan, which has led to me becoming a huge James McAvoy fan.) I was...disturbed isn't quite the right word...I picked up on the tension you mentioned and wasn't at all sure that it was really there. It was a little alarming to be honest. Even my husband commented on how I was afterwards. I've seen it many times since and watched it twice more recently and I still get that unsettled feeling, but now I now it's not from the violence or torture. It's the intimacy that builds up to those scenes that makes it so...I still don't know what to call it.

It's kind of a relief to know I wasn't imagining things.

Thank you for the lovely presentation!



Re: I LOVE THIS wincestuouslove August 25 2011, 10:22:56 UTC
I am so glad you appreciate this review 'cos I spent quite awhile to write down all the insinuations I have noticed and I am also glad to know I'm not alone!

Are you into yaoi? I have already embraced homoeroticism since Brokeback Mountian so I was perfectly aware of the subtexts in TLKoS. I ship Amin/Nicholas dub-con relationship so hard.

It is a forture that James brought me to this movie because I have only seen Forest in Panic Room and Repo Men -- both fail to represent Forest's talent.

Forest's Oscar speech. I like that the camara panned to James several times :D


Re: I LOVE THIS azryal August 25 2011, 11:29:18 UTC
I am a huge fan of homo-eroticism, and have been since I hit puberty (gah, that's been a long time now). It was the subject matter that distracted me, I suppose, from what my subconsciousness was picking up on while seeing it. After reading your analyzation I can now put forth my theory that the torture scene is a sort of 'gang rape' ordered by Amin as punishment. It's a pretty widespread practice in more countries than anyone would like to admit. There are men holding him down, double penetration, multiple focuses on Nicholas' mouth...at the time I thought I was crazy.

Maybe I am, but at least I am in good company!!



Re: I LOVE THIS wincestuouslove August 25 2011, 13:55:21 UTC
Holy*beep* "gang rape" is perfectly accurate! Why did I NOT think about this metaphor? How did I not think about that?

The way Masanga rips off Nicholas' shirt and how the goons stare at his bare chest with intense facial expression totally parallel with gang rape. "Double penetration" is a magnificent preception of the double fish hooks. Thank you! Now I think about it: since Nicholas cheats on Amin, "gang rape" is a "fair" punishment for someone who commits adultery.

You need to tell me everything you see in the movie, honey? Be generous to me with your interpretations. Goddammit I want to make a post about it, and I will credit YOU for all the input of course.


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