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Comments 30

inesdelsol December 27 2010, 11:10:46 UTC

so beautiful



wincestuouslove December 27 2010, 11:40:07 UTC
So true. It's heartbreaking that the movie is not as good as our respect. Also, Oliver Stone cock-blocked Jared and Colin.


inesdelsol December 27 2010, 11:44:11 UTC
I'm sure they'd make out so beautifully, even more. This tension between them is so visible. And the history... it should't be changed.


wincestuouslove December 27 2010, 12:03:35 UTC
the movie is not as good as our respect
Oops! I meant "Expectation". I was so sleepy.

Jared said in an interview that they would be the hottest couple in Hollywood if they played a sex scene in the movie, or something like that. *Sigh*

Why both famous JL are so beautiful, sensual, and slashy?? They are not even gay but we all slash them too happily. Why is that?


ckll December 27 2010, 12:08:35 UTC
This picspam killz me by all means.
Beyond the greatness, there is a tragic love story.
The balcony scene moves me so much.


wincestuouslove December 27 2010, 12:26:24 UTC
I must bored my flist with this new obsession.
I think I love every scenes with Hephaistion.
Bagoas is beautiful but I cannot like him too much 'cos he breaks my Hephaistion's heart.
*Okay, what the fuck am I talking about?*


ckll December 27 2010, 13:47:58 UTC
I wanted to slap Bagoas


wincestuouslove December 27 2010, 14:10:28 UTC
oh lol, but Bagoas looks so innocent.

Anyway, Hephaistion rather be jealous on Alexander's wives than on a slave.


spiderorchid81 December 27 2010, 17:10:15 UTC
Okay, I'm probably making myself very unpopular now, but didn't they go way overboard with the make-up? Good looking men, sure, but perhaps a little less eyeliner and lipstick would have been better... was that an accident or did the director say something about this visual effect? You know more about this movie than I, so I thought I'd ask. ^_^


wincestuouslove December 28 2010, 09:20:34 UTC
Yes, I think they overdone the make up, especially Hephaistion. My Greek friend said ancient Greeks did not wear make up. The real Hephaistion was quite manly and had curly short hair. Jared Leto's version was completely opposite to the original person: long straight hair, gentle, heave make up, lol. He somehow reminds me of a Persian, too.

I don't not why Oliver Stone had him portrayed effeminately. Maybe he prefer Hephaistion as the bottom of this relatioship, lol. Brad Pitt was the 1st choice of the character. Maybe we would have a more masculine Hephaistion if Brad did not turn down the role.

My friend suggested that the chatacters draw eyeliners means they adapt the Persian culture. I really dunno.

Still, I like the makeup on the boys.


spiderorchid81 December 28 2010, 15:30:04 UTC
The historians agree with your friend. ^_^ If a culture was famous for heavy make up (for men and women) at the time, it was Egypt. Greek culture wasn't that opulent. That's why the look of the movie puzzled me so, after all, those men were professional soldiers, not fashion models... ~_^

Yes, perhaps the look was inspired by the actor's 'type' or personality - or you could be right about the 'bottom' thing... sometimes, directors have strange ideas.

Interesting explanation...

Sure. ^_^ I'm not against eyeliner for men (it worked very well in the "Pirates of the Carribean" movies after all), but in this context it felt somehow weird.

Thanks for taking the time to give me such a long answer!


wincestuouslove December 28 2010, 15:45:56 UTC
I would love to discuss it 'cos I don't understand it neither. I used to think that the make-up was an influence brought by Jared Leto :D


jarjen December 28 2010, 19:42:58 UTC
Gorgeous picspam!

Remember that Colin/Conan interview I told you about? Well, it took place BEFORE Colin started filming Alexander, so Colin really thought there would be some man on man action between Alexander and Hephaistan and he told Conan to stop by for some.

Colin appeared as if he was really looking forward to it...he said something about Jared Leto being hot, lol.

The weird thing is I cannot find a video clip of this interview anywhere and I looked more than once. I think Colin's handlers somehow banished it from the Internet for being too homosexual. Because it wasn't long after that interview that Tom Cruise's PR lady started handling Colin. Although, I don't think he was with her long ;)


wincestuouslove December 29 2010, 00:57:08 UTC
Thank you hun.
Damn Tom Cruise and his fuck up PR. I wish I have watched the interview.

I think both of them wanted to make out with each other. Jared also said if there was a sex scene of Alexander and Hephaistion they would be the hottest scene in movie history.

And Colin! Colin told Jay Leno that Jared is cute, makes him doubt his heteresexuality, LOL.


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