Review: Supernatural 4x17 It's a Terible Life (Part II)

Feb 20, 2010 02:36

Review: Supernatural - 4x17 It’s a Terrible Life (Part II)
Author: wincestuouslove 
Summary: To study the relatinoship between Sam and Dean if they are able to live without the taboo of sibling incest through their interaction and the set off of their mind to handle their attachment.

To read the entire review in Part I.

Turns out, the well respectful Dean Smith is not a prude when it comes to c-teasing.

Dean (in phone): I need to see you in my office, now!

Do Sam's eyes brighten when he hears Dean's voice? Does his mouth corner pull up when he hangs up the phone? Or am I seeing things myself?

When Sam arrives at Dean's office, the first thing he sees is...

As we know, Dean is skeptical about Sam's sexuality and apparently offended by his approach.
So why can't he finish changing before he call Sam in?
Or, at least shut the door while he's changing?
He gives me and Sam an impression that he is letting Sam walk in on his partial nudity on purpose.
Sam even checks Dean out once more before he turns to shut the door as he is ordered. Then he can also check out Dean's name written on the office door.

Dean: Who the hell are you?
Sam: I'm not sure I know.
Dean: What the hell does that mean?
Sam: Sam Wesson. I started here three weeks ago.
Dean: All right. You cornered me in the elevator, talking about ghosts.

Dean's chooses the verb "corner" -- to force into an awkward or difficult position or one from which escape is impossible.  [4]
Perhaps Dean was not worry about Sam's sexuality but his husky size?

(e) Look him in the eyes with very sorrowful eyes  [1.4]
If he asks what's wrong, just say it's nothing.

Dean: And now...
Sam: Now what?
Dean: Now nothing.

T-E-A-S-I-N-G. Anyone?

Then Dean's tone lowers from serious business-like down to peer-friendly.

Dean: So, you started working here three weeks ago, huh? Me too. It's, uh, Master Cleanse. You tried it? Phenomenal. Detoxes you like nobody's business.

Why the heck Dean has to drink Master Cleanse with such sluttish facial expression?

(f) Establish an emotional connection  [1.5]
When you talk to your person of interest, find out commonalities, establish the moment, and you may relate to things she he is passionate about or interested in.

Sam: What if these suicides aren't suicides? I mean, what.. what if there's something not natural?
Dean: So, what? Ghosts are real? And they're responsible for all the dead bodies around here? Is that what you're telling me?
Sam: Look. I know it sounds crazy. But yes, that's what I'm telling you.
Dean: Huh-huh. Based on what?
Sam: Instinct?
Dean: I've got the same instinct.
Sam: Seriously? You know those dreams I was telling you about? I was dreaming about ghosts.

Dean find the connection between them.

(g) Smile and respond positively to his answers  [1.6]
- even if they're not quite what you want to hear. That will increase the chance that he'll be interested in pursuing your relationship further.

Dean: You broke into their e-mail accounts?
Sam: I used some skills that I happen to have to satisfy my curiosity.
Dean: Nice.
Sam: Yeah, okay *encouraged*.

Dean even starts to approve Sam, even what he did is illegal.

(h) Wait for the sign that she he is interested  [1.5]
The gorgeous girl man was ignoring you at first and now she he flirts heavily. The not-so-attractive girl unbelievably beautiful man was shy and hesitant at first, but now she he drops (very subtle) hints that she he wants you to make a move.

The sound effects in 4x17 is awesome -- The siren of police patrol car, the engine sound of vehicles and the ticktack of a clock in the background during their conversation.
But what is it with the weird melody in this scene?

Sam: So, it turns out Ian and Paul both got this same e-mail telling them to report to H.R., room 1444.
Dean: H.R. is on 7.
Sam: Exactly.
Dean: Should we go check this out?
Sam: Like... right now?
Dean: No. No, it's getting late. You're right.
*They look into each other's eyes*  SUSPICIOUS MUSIC SOUNDS
Sam: I am DYING to check this out right now.
Dean: Right?

- Dean hesitates, more like embarrassed, before asking Sam to check this out.
- He then said shyly that it is "getting late" to do it when he thinks Sam turned him down. It is within the working hour and judging by the sunlight from the window, it should not be too late of a day. 
- Sam looks into Dean's face for comprehension before Dean throws an unusal shy and wary glance to Sam. Then their eyes lock with a questionable background music.
The "late" Dean referred does not mean the timing but the proper chance to start off an event.
- Sam emphazises he is "dying" to check this out. He is certainly trying to secure Dean's worry.
- With Dean's surprised and hopeful eye-bright in response, the "this" they are discussing does not seem like the investigation-of-ghost it was suppose to be, and more like something Dean thought he rejected but decided to take it back.
I don't think the "something" is the investigation because Dean has no reason to regret rejecting to investigate with Sam -- Sam had never  invited him to hunt ghosts --  All of his thought is Sam hitting on him.
Therefore, my POV of this scene:

Dean: Should we go check this out (if it works for us to hang out)?
Sam: *oblivious to Dean's mind* Like... right now?
Dean: No. No, it's getting late (for me to accept you). You're right. *embarrassed* 
Sam: *realized* I am DYING to check this (our dating) out right now.
Dean: Right?

Also, Dean asks Sam "right?". It is like he is testing Sam's sincerity.

Sam and Dean go to check out the ghost-hausted Room 1444.

Door is locked, someone inside the room is screaming for help, so Sam kicks down the door.
Dean: Wow!
*Sam just shrugs and acts cool.*

Dean is impressed by Sam's manly power ever since then. Later, he even invites Sam to his apartment. lol
Their attachment has strengthened, alot.

Dean hits the spirit with an iron wrench. They save the victim.

Sam: How'd you know how to do that?
Dean: I have no idea.

(i) Express appreciation for qualities that he happens to possess and interests that he happens to have (and mean it!) [1.7]
Smile, and say, “Hey, that no-look pass you made was impressive!”

In Dean's apartment. 

Sam: Hey, how the hell did you know that ghosts are scared of wrenches?
Dean: Crazy, right? And nice job kicking in that door, too. That was very Jet Li. What are you, like a black belt or something?
Sam: No. I have no clue how I done that. It's like we've done this before.

Dean is obviously worshipping Sam's strength. He even compares Sam with Jet Li and black-belt judoka to flatter him.
Sam asks Dean twice if he knew how to fight ghosts, but Dean humblely denies knowing anything. Sam denies his ability likewise.

Sam: No. I just can't shake this feeling, like I... like I don't belong here, you know what I mean? Like I should do something more than sit in a cubicle.
Dean: I think most people who work in a cubicle feel that same way.
Sam: No. Well, look, it's more than that. Like... like I don't like my job. I don't like this town. I don't like my clothes. I don't like my own last name. I... I don't know how else to explain it, except that…it feels like I should be doing something else. There's just something in my blood. Like I was destined for something different. What about you? You ever feel that way?

Sam emphasises that he has ambition to a greater achievement than being a white-collar.
And he doesn't like his own last name. lol. What would he like at that time? Wesson-Smith?

(j) Use a seductive tone of voice [1.2] &  (k) Tease him and if he teases back, he might like you!   [1.4]
Not too nasal, not too high -- throaty and soft is most appealing

Sam: All right. So, what do we do now?
Dean: We do what I do best, Sammy. Research.
Sam: Okay. Did you just call me Sammy?
Dean: Did I?
Sam: I think you did. Yeah. Don't. *grimaces playfully*
Dean: Sorry.

Dean does not think Sam as his little brother at this. They are not that intimate to call each other pet name yet.
Besides, the "Sammy" Dean speaks in such a seductive tone does not fit any possible brotherhood.
Sam surely buying it, though. Otherwise, wouldn't he feel disgusted and run away from a man calling him a pet name?
So Sam stays overnight at Dean's home -- to do research!

Sam is a very careful gentlement.
Since Dean just revealed to him that he thought Sam "cornered" him in the elevator, so Sam now stands pretty far away from Dean, hands on his knees to prevent any inappropriate body contact.
However, it is not a comfortable posture, so...

He sits down but still keep the distance.
More important thing is that he uses the back of his chair to make a barrier between them. Of course, he could be just hiding his crotch. lol

Compare to Sam's gesture, Dean, who claimed clearly not into homosexual, is very comfortable to lean close and even closer to Sam.

To read the enire review in Part III.

Credit to

wikiHow for the advices on:
        [1.1] - How to Get a Date with Your Crush
        [1.2] - How to Seduce a Man
        [1.3] - How to Get a Guy to Notice You
        [1.4] - How to Win Your Crush (Girls)
        [1.5] - How to Seduce a Woman
        [1.6] - How to Ask an Other Guy That Likes You if You Two Are Going Out
        [1.7] - How to Show a Guy That You Like Him
[2] - Jensen Ackles Fans for the transcription
[3] - oxoniensis for the screencaps
[4] - for the definition

wincestuous love, pairing: sam/dean, meta, pairing: wesson/smith, review, spn: 4x17, tv: supernatural

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