
Oct 17, 2011 03:35

Title: 왜?
Rating: K
Genre:  Drabble, Fluff
Pairing: kid!kyumin

Summary: Kyumin’s eating pumpkin time at Kyunnie’s house.

Disclaimer: Kyumin have been together since baby age (my brain said so) :)
A/N1: Eomeoni: minnie’s mom; Eomma: kyuhyun’s mom


“Eomeoni, eomma said she wanted Minnie come to our house because she just made pumpkin soup,” Kyu stood at Minnie’s front door.

“Yay! Pumpkin! Can I go to Kyunnie’s house, eomma?” Minnie’s eyes sparkling. He kept on pulling his mother’s apron. “Ah, yesterday Kyunnie’s mom had talked to me about this but I forgot to tell you, dear. Of course, you can,” Minnie’s mom stroke his back, “Don’t make any troubles to Kyunnie, okay, dear?”

“Okay, mom! Don’t worry!” He smiled and waved at his mom as he walked with Kyuhyun to his house.



“Ah, there you are my Minnie, can’t wait for your pumpkin soup?” Minnie nodded eagerly, “Yesh!”

“Wait in the living room with Kyunnie, okay? It’s time for Kyunnie’s favourite cartoon to air, so both of you can eat while watching the show,” Kyuhyun’s mom said. Minnie just blinked his eyes and rushed to living room. He prone on the floor next to Kyuhyun.

“Here you go,” Kyuhyun’s mom put the bowl in front of them.
“Thank you, eomma.”
“Thank you, auntieee!”
“You’re welcome, dear. Enjoy your food. I still have to do some chores, so I’ll be back, okay?”


They kept on eating their soup while Minnie started to ask Kyuhyun.

“Kyunnie,” his mouth was half full, “Why you don’t say a single thing since we ate?”
“Because we’re eating and my cartoon is airing now, Minnie.”
“But, you have Minnie right here, why don’t talk to Minnie? You can’t talk to those robots.”
“Hmm…” Kyuhyun continued to eat his soup while his eyes were focusing on television.

Minnie got up and his hand was reaching Kyu’s hair trying to ruffle it.
“Minnie, don’t do that!”
“Minnie is older, Minnie is hyungie, Minnie can do that.”
“But, you’re shorter than me,” Kyu pouted.
“Why is Minnie shorter than Kyunnie?”
“Because Minnie eats pumpkin a lot~”
“So, why?”
“Minnie hyung grow chubbier than me,” He pinched Minnie’s cheeks.
“I’m not! Kyunnie is too skinny, why Kyunnie doesn’t gain weight? You eat a lot more than me.”

Minnie kept on asking why and why.

Kyuhyun just spilled every reasons he could make for every questions.

Until he came up with this questions.
“Why Minnie looks cuter than Kyunnie?”
“Because Kyunnie moreee handsome than hyungie~” Kyu put his forefinger in his lips.

Minnie’s eyes started to become sloppy.
“왜? 왜? 왜?-“

Kyu put the same forefinger in Minnie’s lips.

“So, Kyunnie and hyungie can be a perfect couple, handsome and tall Kyunnie with cute, short and chubby Minnie.” He smiled and poked Minnie’s cheek.

Minnie’s smiles grew wider and said, “Pumpkin couple!”
He gave a peck on Kyuhyun’s nose.


A/N2: Ayy I made kid!kyumin again^^ after 나도 suddenly I thought I’ll try to make a little continuation for this kiddos. Lol. So idea for 왜? came up in my mind. Hope you guys enjoy this adorable kids…하하하~~ Comments are alwaysss loved, thankyou! ♥ ;D

SPOT allethiafumikux3deedeedexiejennii_cho

kyumin, rating: k, fanfiction

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