Title: Ways to Stop Hiccup Number Three
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, humour
Pairing: Kyumin, mention of Donghae
Summary: Sungmin's hiccup, Donghae's advice, and Kyuhyun's... hmm, kiss?
Disclaimer: SM, you, and I love SJ pairings, right?
Warning: unbeta
allethia fumikux3 ***
"Hae-- hic-- ah..."
"Could you-- hic-- bring my water-- hic-- over there?"
"Where, hyung?" Donghae peeped from behind the cupboard.
"Beside refrigerator-- hic-- thanks..."
"Here, Sungmin hyung," he handed Sungmin's glass, "your hiccup doesn't stop since we've got home, eh?" Donghae sat bebside Sungmin on the sofa while Sungmin was gulping down his water.
"Yes and I think-- hic-- I've already drank a lot of-- hic-- water to get rid of this hiccup but-- hic-- it didn't work..."
"Uhm..." Donghae suddenly checked on his little eunhae note, flipping pages.
"What-- hic-- are you looking-- hic-- for, Hae-ah?"
"I believe I have your problem solving here, it must be here, ways to stop hiccup..." Donghae kept on searching it.
Sungmin got up leaving Donghae there towards his shared room with Kyuhyun, "It's okay, Hae-- hic-- I'll try to sleep maybe-- hic-- it'll disappear..."
"You should try yo hold your breath for couple of seconds, okay, hyung?"
"Hic-- okay, I'll take your-- hic-- advice, Hae..." Sungmin waved his hand to Donghae then he entered his room.
"Oh, Sungmin-ah... Your never ending hiccup..." Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin from his Starcraft.
"I'm trying to stop it, Kyu-- hic--"
Sungmin did what Donghae said before, holding his breath.
Sungmin smiled, "Kyu, I think-- hic--"
Well, he failed again.
Kyuhyun paused his game, "You tried to hold your breath, right?"
Sungmin nodded.
"You pressed your nose," Kyuhyun moved forward to Sungmin's bed, "but you didn't hold your breath from your mouth, Min." Kyuhyun stopped right in front of Sungmin's face.
"Ahh-- hic-- right, Kyu..."
"Now, hold your breath again," Kyuhyun instructed.
Sungmin hold his breath and...
Kyuhyun claimed Sungmin's lips.
"Sungmin hyung!! Your hiccup is gone now??" Donghae barged into the room.
"Kyuhyun!!" Sungmin lost his breath, "that-- what was that for, huh?" His face was still red.
"Help you."
"Help what??"
"Holding your breath?"
"But your hiccup is gone now," Kyuhyun pointed at Sungmin.
"Ways to stop hiccup number three," Donghae wrote his note,
"holding breath and being kissed on lips."
A/N: reincarnation #3 ... >__< anyway, enjoy this one! <3