Hazard Pay - Chapter 28

Aug 05, 2013 13:49

Title: Hazard Pay - Chapter Twenty-Eight

Pairing: Noah/OMC

Rating: M

Prompt: Action!Noah in action ripped from the headlines!

Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em. Don’t make no money.

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Comments 15

myalterego1 August 5 2013, 21:15:17 UTC
Squee! So excited. And I am pretty sure I know who leaked the picture and why too. Can I have Reid to knock sense into Luke for 100?


willwork4dean August 5 2013, 22:50:46 UTC
Darn! You guys keep figuring out all my surprises!


mslauren2930 August 13 2013, 17:01:26 UTC
I can't believe it took me a few days to figure it out. ;) I guess this means no more smoke breaks for Reid and Noah?


willwork4dean August 16 2013, 19:36:25 UTC
Hmmm...the next chapter is up now, so you can find out!


valenti1965 August 6 2013, 05:16:00 UTC
Ah no!! You can't leave it there!! Who is it? Loved Luke and Jeff squaring upto one another and Casey's quip lol another wonderful chapter!! Cannot wait for the next one!! X


willwork4dean August 16 2013, 19:36:44 UTC
The next chapter is up. Let me know what you think!


jeri_1116 August 6 2013, 06:49:43 UTC
Stop playing with me! Who said that?! Was it Reid?

Anyway Luke is obviously hurt by Noah's choice, but I like that Noah has real feelings for Jeff.

I don't blame Jeff for not letting Luke see Noah when he thought he was gonna die. Jeff didn't know Luke. All he knew was that he was the guy who broke Noah's heart.

Loved Casey in this, he's always a breath of fresh air.

Also is wondering... is Luke more hurt that Noah has changed, then he is about them not being together?

Great chapter!


willwork4dean August 16 2013, 19:37:26 UTC
THanks for your comments! The next chapter is up - and it has more Casey!


seajellybaby August 6 2013, 07:17:17 UTC
That was hilarious! Comedy in it's purest form! Luke and Jaff just mirror each other perfectly, then to add Casey (Mr Farce himself) to the mix was a strike of genius!

Love how in the middle of the arguing, Luke, Noah and Casey fall naturally into their old comradery to discuss Ali... So left field!

Now... Could Reid be the culprit?


willwork4dean August 16 2013, 19:38:24 UTC
You are correct! I thought I was being so sneaky, but once again everyone figured it out. The next chapter is up now, so you can find out what happens next.


wheelie47 August 6 2013, 11:40:32 UTC
Totally loved this chapter!!

It had everything. Luke and Jeff squaring up to each other, Noah calling them both out on it. And Casey... Well Casey just being his usually brilliant self!!

Now who's at the door? I think I know but I'm so glad it wasn't Luke. He wouldn't do that to Noah...But who would?!


willwork4dean August 16 2013, 19:38:49 UTC
Chapter 29 is up now, so you can find out who's at the door!


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