Friending Meme

Feb 28, 2009 12:53

Nice little set of questions for peeps to do. Have fun and make lots of friends! Cut and paste it into comments and fill in your own answers :)

1. Your name, age, and location:

2. Favourite fandoms (and characters or pairings):

3. Favourite music:

4. Favourite movies:

5. Favourite books:

6. Hobbies, activities, etc:

7. An interesting fact or two about yourself:

8. What kinds of things do you usually write about in your journal?

9. Favourite Willow/Tara moment:

10. Current obsessions:

11. Do you write fanfic and if so what kind/pairings/style?:

12. Do you believe in love at first sight?:

13. What is it that first attracts you to someone?:

14. If you could rule the world for a day, what one thing would you change to make the world a better place?:

15. If today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?:

Hope you enoyed that and look forward to reading your responses :)