TITLE: Letters Home From Korea: From Quijonbu to Mill Valley, Letter #1
spell_divineFANDOM: M*A*S*H (tv show)
TABLE: #11 Song Titles A
PROMPT: 01. Without You
SUMMARY: BJ writes to Peg during his first day in the 4077.
WARNINGS: I doubt there's anything shocking in here, as BJ is trying to shield Peg from the gore, etc.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything, but these characters are my friends, so I like to take them out and play with them.
My dearest, darling Peg,
I miss you so much. I feel like a little kid writing home to Mommy and Daddy on his first day at camp. I haven’t even been here for 24 hours, and already I can tell how horrible it’s going to be. I haven’t been here for 24 hours, and I’ve already gotten drunk. I had my first run in with a kid that had been hit. I didn’t realize how different surgery is between victims of war and things like broken bones. It’s horrible, and I’m going to do my best to shield you from it. I only wish I could shield myself.
I’m sorry this is so short, but Radar’s calling that there’s choppers approaching, which means another couple of hours of this meatball surgery. When I have more time, I’ll write you about my tent mates.
I love you very much Peg. Give Erin a big hug and kiss for me. Know I love you both with all my heart, and I’m thinking of both of you all the time. I’m going to seal this with a kiss for you.
Love always,
Letter #2