Title: Initiated
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Hermione Weasley, Hugo Weasley
Genre: Gen, Humor
Word Count: 386
Summary: Hermione helps Hugo come up with a way to fit in with his more mischievous cousins.
Written for Round 2, Week 2 of
genhp_ldws. Prompts= Prank (Hermione POV)
Hermione glanced out the kitchen window at the children playing in the garden. In less than a month, the older Weasley and Potter kids would be leaving for Hogwarts. For the first time, Rose would be among them. Hermione had thought it would be nice for all of them to spend time together before school began.
Turning away from the window, she went back to making bacon sandwiches for the kids' lunch. Moments later, the door swung open and Hugo slumped in.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"They won't let me play," he said, his eyes full of tears.
"Who won't let you play?"
"Everyone. They said I need to be intimidated into their club."
"I think you mean initiated," Hermione corrected. "What do you have to do?"
"A prank," he said. "They said all Weasleys know how to prank, and if I can't do it, I can't be in their club."
Hermione's heart broke. Hugo was like her, so this would be more difficult for him than his more mischievous relatives.
"I have an idea," Hermione said. "Could you help me with lunch?"
Hermione placed a large platter of sandwiches on the blankets Hugo had spread out in the grass. The kids, spotting food, rushed over and began to eat.
"Hugo made you a special treat for dessert," Hermione said, when the last sandwich had disappeared.
Hugo carefully brought out a tray full of dishes of chocolate and toffee ice cream. The kids chattered happily as they ate.
Then Hermione heard a panicked cry behind her. James' eyes were wide as galleons as his tongue had swollen to twice its normal size. The same was happening to the other kids. She glanced at Hugo and saw him smirk as he looked around at the others.
"It's just Ton-Tongue Toffee."
"Take these platters inside, please. I'll be in to speak with you in a minute."
"Yes, mum," Hugo said, working hard to hide his smile.
She worked to reverse the effects of the toffee on each of the kids. As they ran off to play again, she walked back to the house.
"That was great!" Hugo said, as she walked in.
"You did wonderfully," she said. "Now go play."
While Hermione watched from the window, Hugo ran outside where he was instantly welcomed by the others.