So I've had this idea running around in the back of my mind for the better part of a week, and now that I've had the chance to listen to the song non stop a few times through it's just cemented
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do you have windows? If you do, then you probably have windows movie maker. It's not the best, but it's what I use most of the time. I'd totally take it on, but I don't have time to do a huge project right now, sorry bb :(
Hee. It's ok BB!! I understand schoolwork and Big Bang definitely come first. I'm kind of surprised that one of these two ideas hasn't already been done though.
LOL, I don't even know if I know that song, though I'm pretty sure I downloaded the album. I hoe you find someone to take it on. I've become a giant vid addict lately.
I think it's #7 on their new album. It is an awesome song. And has so much potential. That's why I'm kind of surprised that no one's done a vid for John (or Sam) using it.
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