Fic Rec: (Supernatural) Chiz's by 'Topaz' Rated: PG

Jan 08, 2009 03:47

I just found this gem, but it's an 'older' fic in SPN Fandom.

Title: Chiz's
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Word Count: 1518
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: Non-graphic incest; future fic; quick spoilers for Faith and AHBL2
Summary: Of all the places they could have ended up…
Disclaimer: Sam and Dean and Bobby and Ellen aren't mine, and I ( Read more... )

fic recs, f-list: all, oh boys, fandom: supernatural

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Comments 3

justthismorning January 10 2009, 03:10:07 UTC
btw I read this.

you are the rec queen. *bows*


willow_fae_20 January 10 2009, 03:13:34 UTC
I absolutely adored this story. I'd put it right up there with your 'The Park' in 'ways I'd like to see Dean and Sam's story end'.


justthismorning January 10 2009, 05:03:02 UTC
I love future fics where the boys stop hunting finally, and they get all, kind of cuddly-like.

You want to see Dean end up being old and lost? wahhhhh. It's funny you mention it because I just reread it. And cried.

But I love the idea of them settling down. Thanks for reccing this. Total love for you :)


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