Fic Rec: Under This Midwest Sky By:UnPerfectWolf Rated: PG - 13

Dec 15, 2008 03:37

So Y'all know it's not often (like Ever) that I rec fic; as I'm usually the Last to read anything especially in SPN/J2 Fandom. But for this I totally have to. It is Amazing and Perfect and Beautiful. And Everyone needs to read it.

Title: under this midwest sky
by: unperfectwolf
rated: pg13
fandom, pairing: cw rps, slash: jensen ackles/jared padalecki
summary: ( Read more... )

ftw, fandom: j2, fic recs, j2, \o/

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Comments 2

silme711 December 15 2008, 19:36:19 UTC
Cowboy!AU? There's no way I can resist *g*

Thanks for the rec!


willow_fae_20 December 15 2008, 20:07:42 UTC
IKR? It's like 8,000 words of Perfection. Absolutely beautiful.


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