Home Finally (now with 100% more Pic-Spam)

Aug 31, 2008 18:49

So I'm finally home from my busy weekend. I had a great time. But it's always nice to just come home. I promised/threatened a Pic-Spam the other day, and while I thought it was going to be a Jensen and Jared one it seems like it's only going to be Jensen. I just don't have that many Jared pics... (I'll have to change that one of these days. y/y ( Read more... )

pic spam, f-list: all, random, actors: jensen ackles, fandom

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Comments 4

jbangelo August 31 2008, 23:51:16 UTC
Mmmm. Thanks for the picspam. 30 is my fave. There's just something about a hot guy in a white button up shirt that really does it for me. ;)


willow_fae_20 August 31 2008, 23:53:47 UTC
You're welcome. I was just 'following a trend...' I like 30 also. He looks so relaxed and his eyes are beautiful.


justthismorning September 1 2008, 00:16:05 UTC
beautiful. so beautiful. I will never stop appreciating his beauty. Thanks for sharing so much pretty with us!!


willow_fae_20 September 1 2008, 00:19:35 UTC
Thank you for indulging me. He is very handsome (I say beautiful and pretty so much to describe him, I need to find more/better words). He photographs so well.


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