OMG This Hiatus is going to last Forever!!!

Jul 29, 2008 20:14

Seriously. I never noticed just how long an 'off-season' is for T.V. Did they last this long when we were little? Or are the Big Wigs trying to fuck with our brains? It very well could be that I'm just that big a loser who has nothing better to do with my time then watch TV and lurk on the internet ( Read more... )

fic recs, tv, random, fandom

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Comments 7

bigfish05 July 30 2008, 21:47:32 UTC
I can rec you some SPN? (Catch Release, J2, NC-17) it also has some sequels, the links are there

and (No one loves me (not like you do), Wincest, NC-17) (Phthonus in Lethe, Wincest, NC-17) and it's sequel (On Phthonus' Altar)

Hope I didn't rec you something you already read!


willow_fae_20 July 30 2008, 22:14:06 UTC
Dude!!!!! You rock! I've not read any of those yet. I definitely will. Thank you so very much for pointing me to them.


bigfish05 July 30 2008, 23:15:48 UTC
omg that is awesome! They're my favourites of all time :D Let me know what you think of them when you're done!

And you're very welcome


munibunny August 4 2008, 07:11:24 UTC
Thankfully, SPN S4 is only about a month away now!


willow_fae_20 August 4 2008, 07:18:16 UTC
Do they have a 'set in stone' air date for the season opener? Cause I've seen/heard it change from Sept. 4 to later in Sept. to Oct. sometime...

I need my fix. This show is my freakin' crack!!!!!!!!!!


munibunny August 4 2008, 07:24:02 UTC
Sept. 18?


willow_fae_20 August 4 2008, 07:36:46 UTC
That's what I've heard most recently too. So here's hoping...


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