Supernatural Season 3 Rewatch: Red Sky...

Jun 26, 2008 23:17

So I know some people had a lot of issues with this episode; and yeah, ok I'll admit that the Gert/Sam scenes were cringe-inducing. But dude come on it was Sam and Dean in Tuxes. Whats not to love about that? And all the Snarking at Bela. I seriously love Dean so much after this episode ( Read more... )

real life, fic idea, supernatural

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Comments 2

munibunny June 27 2008, 08:54:21 UTC
I reluctantly watched the ep again, thinking it might be more palatable given that Bela's demise is assured at some point down the road but... nope. Dean walking down the steps in the tux, though.. *sigh* The one bright spot!


willow_fae_20 June 27 2008, 09:04:40 UTC
You know, I think coming into this season 'backwards' like I did kind of helped me a little when it comes to Bela. Because I *knew* why she was the way she was before I *knew* her. So hearing her talk about '...did your daddy not give you enough hugs...' knowing, kind of made me almost feel bad for her.

Then Dean's line about 'You realise you sold the one thing that could save your life...' (talking about the hand). I said out loud 'Um, no sweety, she sold her soul years ago...' So the double-edged-ness of that again had me feeling for Bela.

So while I don't necessarily *like* her I kind of feel for her, and wish she didn't get such a raw deal...


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