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Comments 6

mashfanficchick October 7 2009, 00:32:13 UTC
*licks pencil point* I'll need her name and address please, so I can send my minions out to kill her. *pauses* Unless you'd prefer flaming doggie-doo. That's always a popular choice, and this close to Halloween, it would be easy to get away with. *g*

Seriously, I know saying "Don't worry about her" isn't much help, but...don't worry about her. She's made it really clear that her interest does NOT lie in you, but in the future grandchild you're carrying for her, which makes her a giant bitch. So take a deep breath, remind yourself that no matter what she thinks, it's not about her, and let your hubby deal with her for awhile. Remember: stress levels aside, she's HIS mother.

*hugs you*


willow_fae_20 October 7 2009, 00:38:52 UTC

Thanks hon. I needed a giggle

She's made it really clear that her interest does NOT lie in you, but in the future grandchild you're carrying for her

Ain't that the fucking truth. She bitches and whines that her other grand-children live 1200 miles away and I totally understand why my sister-in-law decided that moving to Iowa was a good idea.

She even said at one point today: 'You know it's not about you anymore Heather, it's all about that baby.'

He'll totally hang up (if she yells on the phone) or walk out the door and refuse to be in the same place as her for a few months. Avoidance is his method of dealing with her.


mashfanficchick October 7 2009, 00:46:55 UTC
While I know from experience just how awesome avoidance can be, he still needs to step up, if only to say to his mother "Y'know what? If you're going to be like this, it's not going to matter whether this grandkid is 1200 miles away or 0.12 miles away: you're never going to see it if you stop making my wife feel like she's doing something wrong by thinking of herself as something more than an incubator. Either shape up, or this whole family--grandkid included--is not going to be communicating with you any time soon." After that, he can avoid her all he wants. But as your husband, the father of your baby (he is, right? *ducks*), your M-I-L's son, and--theoretically--the person who cares about you the most in the world, he needs to acknowledge that neither dealing with his mother nor getting rid of her is good for you right now, and so he has to pick up the slack. (ROFL! I just totally wrote "slash" instead of "slack"!)

Or, y'know, we could go back to that whole "my minions" thing. ;-)

Good luck! *hugs you again*


willow_fae_20 October 7 2009, 02:53:18 UTC
Hubby (who is the baby-daddy) has said he will talk to his mother. So hopefully he'll be able to get through to her.

I'm totally keeping the minions in the back of my mind as an option.



justthismorning October 7 2009, 00:50:59 UTC
oh wow. self-concerned family fail. I can't believe she would make it all about her. As if the only thought on your mind at that moment was "gotta let everyone I've ever met know exactly what is going on, before I even know."

I'm sorry honey. It's not fair to put that burden on you. Not cool at all.

Try not to let it ruffle you. Watch Supernatural or do yoga and eat Halloween Oreos or whatever and keep your stress levels down. You and your baby are more important than her selfish bitching. don't let her win.

*cuddles* I wish I could give you these in real life.


willow_fae_20 October 7 2009, 02:46:14 UTC

Thanks BB. I talked to Hubby about all of it and he said he would talk to her.

Like you said I can't believe that she made it all about how her feelings are hurt. She likes to play the part of the 'perfect Christian' but in this case she failed epically.


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