Fic Rec: Supernatual - The Truth Is You Live Until You Die.

Feb 01, 2009 04:49

Title: The truth is, you live until you die
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 830
Summary: Zen and the art of afterlife maintenance.

They say the only certainty in life is that nothing is fair. That nothing is easy. That shit happens and then you die.

Fact is, that’s only partially true.

Why am I rec'ing this fic: It's beautiful and ( Read more... )

fic recs, oh boys, fandom: supernatural, fandom

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Comments 2

monika5 February 1 2009, 10:58:27 UTC
Thank you for recommending this. It's a beautiful piece. Awesome way to end the day :D


willow_fae_20 February 1 2009, 11:00:20 UTC
I know, right? it's sad on one hand, but so uplifting.


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