Freudian Slips / 499 Words / Rated G

Oct 01, 2030 15:28

“Jake? Can I have jush a leetle bit more? Please?” Bella raised her thumb and index finger with the minutest distance between them in front of Jacob’s face.
“I think you’ve  had enough, Bells. I’m gonna have to drive you home as it is.”
“But it’s sooo good.”
Jacob slipped the bottle of coconut rum that Quil and Seth had lifted from Leah, behind his back while Bella was distracted.
“You’ll drive me home, Jake?” Bella’s eyes were glazed. “You’ll drive me all the way home? That is so nice.” She put her hand on his shoulder and looked into his eyes earnestly. “You are the best friend that anyone could have.”
The acohol fumes on her breath made his eyes water. She hadn’t even drunk that much. She was so tiny, it had gone straight to her head.
She patted his shoulder appreciatively. Jacob watched as she stared at her own hand still gripping his shoulder. She slid it slowly down and over the widest part of his bicep. Her head tilted comically to the side as she watched its descent.
“You’re my best friend, Jacob. Did I ever tell you that?”
“About 30 seconds ago.” He grinned, noticing her gaze was still fixated on his bicep.
He crooked his finger under her chin, lifting her face to his.
“Bella? I’m over here.”
She stared at him, unfocused.
“Come on. I’m gonna get you home. You need to sleep this off. No more coconut rum for you.”
“Wait!” Jacob faltered as Bella shoved his shoulder down with surprising strength. He landed back in his seat on the workbench next to her. “I don’t want to go yet. I haven’t finished telling you what a muscular friend you are to me.”
“A muscular friend?” Jacob chuckled at her drunken slip.
“You’re my sorta beautiful friend, and your hands are so… “ She mumbled incoherently.
He watched her, amused, as she picked up his hand and held it against her own. His eyes grew wider as she licked her lips and a small shudder visibly went through her.
A little chill went through him as well. His better judgement told him to take her home now, before he took advantage of a drunk girl. He had some morals.
Against her inebriated objections, he picked her up and carried her to the Rabbit. Once he hit the road, she nodded off, mumbling in her sleep.
Charlie’s car was gone. Jacob was relieved he wouldn’t have to sneak her past the Chief of Police.
“Come on Bella,” he whispered, carrying her to the door.
She looked at him, half-asleep. “My Jacob is bigger-better than you.”
“I’m sure he is,” he told her, grinning.
“My Jacob is sort of beautiful.”
“He could kick your ass!”
Jacob tried to keep a straight face as he deposited her onto her bed.
“I’m going to marry him one day.”
“Can’t wait.” He kissed her forehead and sat with her till she was sound asleep.

drabble prompt

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