Boomtown/Desperate Housewives: David & David, Part 1

Sep 19, 2009 12:19

Title: David and David
Fandoms: Boomtown, Desperate Housewives
Author: L.A.K.
Rating: PG

Summary: What happens when David McNorris meets Dave Williams? What is their connection? How much don’t we know about David Dash? What does it all mean for the residents of Wisteria Lane? Boomtown/Desperate Housewives crossover, more or less AU by default.

Disclaimer: Boomtown was created by Graham Yost and produced by NBC, while credit for Desperate Housewives goes to Marc Cherry and ABC. The wonderful Neal McDonough also deserves special mention for breathing life into David McNorris and Dave Williams. The fic title is a nod to the pop duo that released the 1986 album Boomtown.

A/N: I’ve tried to combine the storytelling devices of the two shows. In classic Boomtown style, the story will be pieced together using the viewpoints of different characters instead of being told in chronological order. The omniscient ghost of Mary Alice will do some narrating as per DH. But by the end of the story you’ll know everything you need to.


It was like staring back at himself through a time warp.

The drab room was empty, but for a man sitting mutely behind a single table, restrained by his heavy grey straitjacket. The guard at the door nodded curtly, and David McNorris edged closer to the table, willing the lump in his throat to disappear.

McNorris couldn’t see the dishevelled man’s face, and wasn’t sure he wanted to. The patient had his head bowed, apparently transfixed by an invisible speck on the table. His pale hair, with flecks of grey, had grown out into a knotted mop that dangled from his head in drapes.

McNorris squeezed his eyes shut and gulped hard. He remembered the day he hit rock bottom. Waking up from a drunken blackout and seeing the blood on his broken headlights. Being marched through the police station. Staring at his pitiful reflection in the glass of the interrogation room and watching his whole life flash before him.

He opened his eyes again. The man before him was the epitome of rock bottom. McNorris could take some cold comfort from knowing that he wasn’t the most pathetic guy in the room.

“Dave Williams?” McNorris’ voice sounded coarse and foreign to his ears, as if he was speaking from the other end of a crackling phone line. “Or do you prefer Dash?”

McNorris thought he saw Williams’ body tense but this whole place made him question his sanity and he couldn’t really be sure of anything.

“My name is David McNorris,” he continued. “I’m a deputy district attorney from Los Angeles.”

Williams began to rock slightly in his seat but offered no other sign that he had heard McNorris.

McNorris cleared his throat. “I-I grew up in Boston. You and I… share the same biological father.”

Williams stopped rocking. A second passed before he slowly lifted his head towards the intruder in his room.

McNorris saw the ash stubble on Williams’ gaunt face, the unsettlingly vacant half-smile. But it was the pale, icy blue eyes - so like his own - that would be seared into his memory for the rest of his life.

boomtown, fanfiction, desperate housewives

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