Some more people posted pictures of my cosplay on Twitter~! I've rarely gotten back this many photos from any event in Japan; usually you never hear back from anyone, even if you exchange cards. But this time I heard from three people so far, and there's still some people left whose card I got but didn't update their pages yet after the event. I wonder what it is, that makes this event different from other ones in this aspect... =O I didn't expect to get any photos of myself, since I went alone without any friends to take pictures, so this is a really nice surprise!
First there's one more I got with the kitsune cosplayers, actually =3 They took pictures on their own phones (or cameras?) as well, and posted some of them
here. (Chiyo-san, I think? I can't read their name kanji ^^;)
They also posted
these pictures~ ![](
Then I got this awesome set
from Suzubachi-san here! They actually were nice enough to e-mail me the data too, so there's five pictures in all! Though I only did two poses, so they're all fairly similar. ^^;
I wonder if I'll find any more... Please let me know if you come across any!