509, evening

May 19, 2006 20:36

A Willow without a computer was a Willow in grave danger of not having something to keep her out of trouble ( Read more... )

509, peter pevensie, alec

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once_a_king May 20 2006, 01:28:41 UTC
Peter was walking down the hall when he noticed glitter, stickers, construction paper, Willow.

"Evening, Willow," he said with a bow. "I didn't realise we were neighbors."


willbedone May 20 2006, 01:30:32 UTC
Willow sat up. "Sir Peter! Good evening to you this fine... okay at that point all I've got is evening but the idea's the same. Are we? What room are you in?"


once_a_king May 20 2006, 01:44:20 UTC
"I believe none could hold the repitition of evening against you in any circumstance," Peter smiled. "I'm in 513."


willbedone May 20 2006, 01:46:25 UTC
"How very lucky for me," Willow said. "Which is a joke about your room number that I'm sure you haven't heard a thousand times already. Did you want to come in? Fair warning: Sit on the floor and there may be glitter in strange places."


once_a_king May 20 2006, 01:53:53 UTC
Laughing, Peter came in and sat on the floor, "I'm going to brave the glittered trousers if you promise none will end up in my hair. What are you working on?"


willbedone May 20 2006, 01:57:26 UTC
"I promise not to fling glitter at your hair," she said. "Though you have given me plenty of opening to attack your shirt."

She held up the invitation for River. It was mostly in green, complete with glitter and stickers of socks and televisions. "Party invitations. My friend Buffy? Well, not my friend Buffy because she's back home but a girl here who's a Buffy from before she met me? She and I came up with an idea for having a girly get-together with Bollywood movies, girly stuff, and food. I'm inviting a few more people and since my computer's with Bridge - which I'm totally okay with and not freaking about - I'm doing it the old-fashioned way."


once_a_king May 20 2006, 02:08:27 UTC
"I should have to retaliate for that, you know," Peter advised lightly as he made sure he had a marker and some glitter near to hand.

Looking at the invitation, Peter asked, "Buffy who's the cheerleader? It sounds like you girls will have a wonderful time. When shall you convene?" He paused, "and, err, I know what a computer is, but Bollywood?"


willbedone May 20 2006, 02:10:29 UTC
"This Sunday. Here. It'll be a small thing. No boys allowed," she shook a baby blue marker at him sternly. "And Bollywood movies are these totally fun things where you have no idea what anyone is saying but everyone's wearing these colorful costumes and every so often there's singing and dancing and sometimes yaks."


once_a_king May 20 2006, 02:21:13 UTC
"We poor males shouldn't dream of interrupting your party. And if any do, call me, and I'll make them..." He paused and considered the lessons he'd been given by Parker, Janet and Elizabeth about modern women. "Not that I don't think you are more than capable of handling them on your own. And I would pity any who make the attempt." Figuring removing himself from the subject was the best idea, Peter said, "The yaks are the big draw to the movies, I can tell."


willbedone May 20 2006, 02:24:36 UTC
"Oh yeah," Willow said. "Sometimes there's goats but it's just not the same."

She smiled at him. "And if there was trouble I could throw glitter, or pillows, or skin someone alive in a few years make this very stern face - " She made a stern face, pointing at it to show it off. "Or I could call for help from somebody who, if I recall correctly, swore to protect my honor via the sacred oath of the hair ribbon."


once_a_king May 20 2006, 02:40:15 UTC
"I could see why not. A yak has so much more character, plus better hair," Peter said with a straight face.

Peter shrank back at the demonstrated stern face, eyes dancing. "See, I think the stern look might just do it. I couldn't imagine ever going against that."


willbedone May 20 2006, 02:44:30 UTC
"You're very wise," Willow said. "Typically only the foolish attempt to cross my stern look. They know if they do it's one step down the slippery path towards angry eyes, humphy sounds, and a guarantee on no cookies for at least a week. Which, granted, is a threat that mostly works on Xander but I'm told the rest can be quite intimidating."


once_a_king May 20 2006, 02:54:10 UTC
"Please do not demonstrate the angry eyes, I'm not particularly sure I could handle it. I might lose my dignity and whimper," Peter said with certainty. "And I think the no cookies might definitely be just for Xander. I know that one can also get cookies from Elizabeth."


willbedone May 20 2006, 02:55:52 UTC
"True," she said, "but they would not be Willow cookies and anyone who has had Willow cookies knows that no substitutes can be accepted."


once_a_king May 20 2006, 03:03:23 UTC
Peter sighed, "Never having sampled such a treat, I would have to take your word for it." He grinned, "but if you ever had a wish to make such delicacies, I would offer myself as a taster then proclaim your works."


willbedone May 20 2006, 03:05:11 UTC
"Oo - proclaiming? I've never had proclaimed cookies before," Willow said. "Usually they're served with very little fanfare. Sometimes literally. When I was a kid I went through a trumpet phase."


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