Obvious (Chapter 4)

Sep 19, 2006 20:16

Pairing: Skandar/Georgie & Will/Anna
Summary: Sequel to More Than Anyone

This chapter is dedicated to shirehobbit2002...whose given me a lot of joy with her stories...Enjoy!


Skandar leaned against the doorframe of his room. Hands in his pockets, feet crossed he stared at the woman in his bed. What have I done, he thought. To be completely honest, Skandar had no idea what he felt for Georgie Henley. Last night...the feelings, the desire they had felt for one another scared him. He had never felt that way about a woman in his life, but he'd always wanted to...but he also wasn't sure he wanted it to be Georgie. She was the little sister of his heart and despite their many quarrels he did love her. But am I in love with her, Skandar asked himself. It would explain why he was overprotective and why he was jealous at the mention of her going on a mere date. And why he saw pain in Georgie's eyes when mentioning one of his late night excursions. Skandar wasn't sure he wanted the responsibility of holding her heart. He wasn't even sure if he was ready for a committed relationship. But when he had seen the pain and love on Georgie's face...Skandar couldn't help himself. And now, he had no idea what to do. As he continued gazing at Georgie's sleeping form, wrapped in his sheets, he thought back to last night and it gave him chills. And he seemed to remember every detail of her body and every moan that came from her mouth. Shaking his head to wake from his daze, Skandar walked over to the bed. He pushed a few strands of hair away from Georgie's face and leaned down to brush his lips against her forehead.

“Love you...” she murmured in her sleep and Skandar felt tears in his eyes, but fought them back.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered softly. And he knew that when he returned to his apartment later, Georgie would be gone...quite possibly for good.


Georgie awoke and it took her a moment to remember where she was. And a smile crossed her lips. Turning over, she was about to reach out for Skandar, but she realized he wasn't there. Sitting up abruptly, clutching the sheet to her chest, Georgie looked around the room. She noticed his clothes from the night before were missing, as were his shoes.

"Skandar?" she called, hoping that her worst fear wouldn't be confirmed. Her only response was silence. "Please...this can't be happening," Georgie whispered.

Wrapping the sheet around her still naked body, Georgie got up from the bed and walked out in the living room. She looked to the spot where he always placed his keys...they were gone. Skandar was gone. Georgie's tears came without hesitation. He just left her. After what had happened the night before...what she felt from him. What you thought you felt, obviously, Georgie said to herself. Standing in the middle of Skandar's living room, Georgie suddenly felt claustrophobic and found it hard to breathe. And then she felt sick. Tears continued to fall down her face as she ran into his bathroom and slammed the door.


"So did dad surprise you good mum?" Colin asked from the back seat. He was dressed in his soccer uniform and was on his way to his game.

"He did...and I heard someone knew all about it," Anna smiled turning around to face her son.

"Dad told me if I said anything, I'd be in big trouble...and you should have heard his voice mum...it was pretty scare...." Colin said.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Will asked, "It worked though, didn't it?"

"Definitely..." replied Colin.

"You know...your father and I have something to tell you...Would you rather know now or after your game?" Anna inquired.

"Now...now!" Colin exclaimed bouncing in his seat.

Laughing, Will said, "You're going to have a little brother or sister in several months..."

Eyes widening, Colin asked in awe, "Really?"

"Yup...how do you think you'll like being a big brother, Colin?"

"I promise, mum...I'll be the best big brother ever...and I'll help you a lot with the baby and everything..."

"I know you will, darling. I'm glad you're excited."

"We also want you to know Colin, that just because they're will be a new baby we still love you very, very much...and we're not going to forget about you or anything like that...If you're upset or something's bothering you, your mother and I expect you to come talk to us...just like you always have...alright?" said Will.

"Alright...I promise..." Colin answered just as his mother's cell phone started ringing.

"Where in bloody hell is it?" Anna said out loud searching her purse.

Smirking, Will replied, "Perhaps if you're purse was a bit smaller and you didn't carry so much stuff..."

Anna reached over and pulled on her husband's ear, just as she found her cell phone with her other hand. She heard her husband mumble "Evil" as she flipped it open and answered.



"Georgie? What's wrong?" Anna asked and Will glanced over worriedly.

"Can...I...Oh Anna...please tell me your home..." Georgie cried, sobbing into the phone.

"No...I'm not...Will and I just picked up Colin from his friend's house and we're on our way to his soccer game...Are you alright? Where are you?"

"I'm...I'm at my apartment...and..." but Georgie couldn't even finish her sentence.

"Okay...listen to me Georgie...I'm going to drop Will and Colin off at the soccer field and I'm coming over...just hold on...I'll be there as soon as I can..."

Hanging up the phone, Anna looked in the back seat at Colin who was totally oblivious to the situation as he played with his gameboy. She then looked at Will who returned her gaze with concern etched on his face.

"Is she alright?" he asked.

"I...I don't know...she was crying hysterically...I just...I have no idea...I'll find out when I get there..."


Georgie sat on her couch and was holding tightly to her favorite pillow. She had left Skandar’s apartment an hour ago and her tears had yet to cease. Her heart was broken. She knew Skandar was like this with other girls...but Georgie never thought in her wildest dreams he could ever do that to her. Skandar had always protected her from getting hurt, now he was the one willingly causing it. Georgie had always told herself that if she had one night with Skandar...it would be worth it. But now she wasn’t so sure. The way he had made love to her. He had been caring, gentle...loving. And it truly seemed like Skandar wanted her. Having him once and never again wasn’t fair...and it hurt. The fact that she had been just another casual escapade not only broke her heart...but her soul as well.

Not knowing what to do, Georgie had called Anna as soon as she had returned home. So when she heard the knock on her apartment door, she knew that’s who it was. But Georgie couldn’t move. Her body was frozen, yet aching at the same time. She could hear Anna’s voice on the other side of the door. After a few minutes, Georgie then heard her front door open and looked up to see Anna staring at her wide eyed.

Rushing to Georgie’s side, Anna cupped her friend’s face, “Georgie...what happened? What’s wrong?”

Her bloodshot eyes met Anna’s gaze. Grabbing a hold of Anna’s hand, Georgie replied hoarsely, “He...he doesn’t...love me...He just left...”

Anna could only assume Georgie meant Skandar after last night’s events. Wrapping her arms around Georgie, Anna held her tightly and just let her cry, until Georgie eventually drifted off to sleep.


Evening fell quickly and Georgie awoke again for the second time that day, but this time there was no smile on her face. She heard Anna moving around in her kitchen and when she heard the kettle whistle, Georgie knew her friend was making tea. She stood from the couch, but didn’t realize how weak her body was and lost her balance falling back onto the sofa. Taking a deep breath, Georgie got up slower this time and made her way to the kitchen.

“Hello...” Georgie said as she reached the entryway.

“Hey,” Anna replied softly. “I was about to come out there and wake you...you’ve been asleep for quite awhile...”

“I suppose crying takes a lot of energy out of person...”

“Do you want some tea?”

Georgie nodded in response and took a seat at the kitchen table. She folded her arms, resting her head on them, feeling the tears already forming in her eyes. Georgie didn’t look up when Anna placed a tea cup in front of her or when she heard her take a seat beside her.

“What happened, Georgie?”

Sighing heavily, Georgie finally looked up, meeting Anna’s gaze. Taking her cup of tea in her hands, Georgie answered, “You’re not called brilliant for no reason, Anna. You know after we left you two at the restaurant last night what was going to happen. Well, it happened and I woke up this morning and he was gone. No parting words from him or a note...he...he just left...” Wiping tears from her cheek, Georgie took a sip of her tea and waited for Anna to respond.

“I...I can’t believe he would do that...to you of all people...there has to be a reason for it, Georgie...did you try calling him...I mean...”

“I waited for him...even though I knew he wasn’t going to come back until I was gone...And I know him, Anna and so do you...Skandar wouldn’t have answered his phone no matter how many times I would have tried to call him...he’s...he’s made his choice...and I...” Georgie brought the back of her hand to her lips, choking back a sob.

“Oh, Georgie...”

“I felt something from him last night, Anna...otherwise...I would have never...I would’ve never slept with him...I wish fate would stop playing with me...I can’t take it anymore...I hate him for leaving me the way he did...but I still love him...how is that possible? How could I still love him after this? It’s pathetic...”

Taking Georgie’s hand, Anna squeezed it gently. “It’s not pathetic, Georgie. When you love someone as much as you love Skandar...it‘s hard to just let go...and its even harder when you share something as intimate as you both did last night....”

“I don‘t think I‘ll ever recover from this...My heart...my soul...it‘s as if they were ripped out me....” said Georgie. She then stood abruptly from her chair and headed towards her bedroom. Anna followed.

“Georgie...what are you doing?” Anna asked as the distraught girl began rummaging through her jewelry box.

“Getting rid of every memory I have of him...” Georgie answered and pulled out the box that held her emerald necklace and earrings he had given her so long ago.

“Think about what you’re doing...Georgie, really...” protested Anna.

Taking the necklace, Georgie walked over to her dresser and opened the fairy house Skandar had given her. She threw the necklace and earrings inside and turned to Anna. “I am thinking about what I’m doing...he has no right to use me...after everything I’ve ever done for him...after it was so obvious how I felt about him...” Georgie’s voice broke, but continued. “I loved him...and I gave him my heart last night and he tossed it aside as if it meant nothing...and if he can easily cast me away as if don’t mean a damn thing to him...than I can do the same...” Picking up her fairy house and the contents inside, Georgie threw it against the wall, shattering it to pieces. And then she collapsed to the floor, wailing uncontrollably.

Anna knelt beside Georgie, letting a few tears also fall from her eyes at the sight of her friend in so much pain. Pulling Georgie into her arms, Anna whispered, “It’ll be alright...it’ll get better...”

Holding on tightly to Anna, Georgie cried, “Why doesn’t he love me? What else do I have to do?”


Eventually, Anna had coaxed Georgie into taking a bath while she ordered takeout for dinner. After she had placed the order, Anna called Will at their house.

“Hello...Moseley residence,” Colin laughed answering the phone.

Anna smiled, “Hello, darling...did you win your game?”

“Oh mum! We won and it was so awesome...you missed a good game...I almost got into a fight and everything...”

“Colin Moseley!” Anna scolded. “You know better than that...”

“Dad thought it was funny...This other boy on the other team started being mean to one of the girls on our team so she pushed him and then he pushed her...and then the teams went after each other...it was great...”

“Well, I suppose since it was...a team effort...” Anna said holding back her laughter. The picture of seven year olds in the middle of a brawl on a soccer field was quite an amusing picture.

“That’s what dad said, too...”

“I bet he did...where is your father?”

“He’s upstairs...I’ll get him...DDDAAAADDD! MUM’S ON THE PHONE!” Colin yelled.

Anna pulled the receiver away from her ear, wincing. Shaking her head, Anna told Colin she loved him before he passed the phone over to Will.

“Well?” Will asked.

Sighing, Anna relayed the story to Will. “And then she threw the fairy house against the wall...”

“I’m going to kill him,” Will said through gritted teeth.

“I just don’t know what to think...We both know Skandar would never intentionally hurt Georgie...I’m not defending what he did because there’s no reason for it...but it may be that he is just as confused as she is...It was rather sudden on his part...just like you said...he’s made no mention of feelings for Georgie to you and you know he tells you everything...so maybe Skandar's dealing with feelings he didn’t realize he had for Georgie...until last night anyway...”

“I’m still going to kill him...” replied Will.

Rolling her eyes at her husband’s response, Anna said, “Violence isn’t going to solve this...but trust me, I’d like to have a good whack at him myself...I don’t know what else to do for her...I wish I could make the hurt go away, but I can’t...”

“I’m sure she appreciates you just being there, love...”

“But Will...you didn’t see her face...I’ve never...It was heartbreaking...”

“Hold on a sec, Anna...Colin’s calling me...” Will said.

“Alright...” Anna replied. She waited for a minute or two before Will got back on the phone.

“You’ll never believe who’s here...”

“Who?” Anna asked.


“Great...just promise me you won’t kill him...not until you have Georgie’s permission anyway...”

“I’ll try...Well, I suppose I should go...but tell Georgie I love her and just call me later if you decide to stay...”

“Alright...I love you...”

“I love you, too...”


Will stood on his porch as Skandar approached the front door. He had sent his son to his room to play his video games, promising he could see his uncle after they had talked. Colin did as he was told, albeit reluctantly. There was no point hiding the anger on his face because he was going to make it known anyway. He would let Skandar explain himself afterwards.

“You have some serious explaining to do...” Will said, his tone icy as Skandar climbed the stairs to the front porch. “Sit...”

Knowing better than to argue with Will when his tone was so cold, Skandar did as he was told and sat on the porch swing, waiting for Will to sit beside him.

“You hurt her...”

Placing his head in his hands, Skandar sighed, “I know...I didn’t mean to...”

“Skandar,” Will began. “You’re like a brother to me and I love you, but I love Georgie, too and she’s my little sister so I have to do my duty to her first...” Taking his hand, Will smacked Skandar in the back of the head quite hard. “You great prat...as worried as you are about protecting Georgie from getting hurt, you did a hell of a job doing the hurting...Anna’s with her now and she’s devastated...”

“You didn’t have to hit me so hard,” Skandar whined, rubbing the back of his head.

“You deserved it...”

“I know...”

“What’s wrong, Skandar? What happened?” questioned Will.

Turning his gaze from Will, towards the darkness in front of him, Skandar answered, “Everything is wrong...and you already know what happened...”

“Why did you leave her? She loves you...”

“She what?”

“Please...you can’t be that surprised, Skandar. Especially after last night...It’s been obvious to everyone else now for a very long time...”

“Georgie can’t love me...”

“Why not? Isn’t that her choice...”

“Because I’m not good enough for her,” Skandar snapped, frustrated. He stood from his seat and leaned against the porch railing. “I don’t deserve her. Look at the way I live my life, Will. Parties. Girls. I’m Hollywood’s bad boy...my life is a complete rollercoaster...and I’m not quite ready to get off the ride just yet...Georgie deserves better...”

“Are you not ready to get off the ride...or are you scared of what it will mean if you do?” Will asked.

“Maybe a little of both...This life is all I know, Will...It’s what I’m good at...Being a boyfriend...even a husband or father one day...it scares me...I’ve never been good with commitments unless there’s a contract involved,” Skandar said.

Will came to stand beside Skandar, a smirk on his face. “We both know that the real you, isn‘t a bad boy no matter how many parties you go to or how many women are on your arm...And Georgie loves the real you, Skandar...even if you met someone else...with the charade your playing, they wouldn‘t know you...not like we do...

Letting Will’s words sink in, Skandar ran a hand through his hair, just as Will spoke again. “Do you love her?”

Skandar was quiet a moment before responding. “Truth?”

Will nodded.

“I think I might...when we...were together last night...I would have given her anything she wanted...And for one moment she was all I wanted...” Skandar answered.

“And now?” Will questioned further.

“I wish I knew...”
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