Obvious (Chapter 3)

Sep 19, 2006 00:27

Pairing: Skandar/Georgie & Will/Anna
Rating: PG-13 (just to be safe)
Summary: Sequel to More Than Anyone
Disclaimer: I do not own the song/lyrics to Christina Aguilera's Obvious...



Anna threw her keys down on the table. She had just returned from dropping Colin at a friend's house for a sleepover. She loved her son more than anything, but it was hard without Will around. It was a wonder where he got all of his energy from. Definitely Will's son, she thought smirking. Climbing the stairs to her bedroom, Anna was going to change into her most comfortable clothes, curl up on the couch, watch a movie, eat junk food and celebrate her anniversary alone. Will had called her a week ago letting her know that he wouldn't be coming home early like he had originally thought. Glancing at her watch when she entered her bedroom, Anna was surprised to see that he hadn't called her yet. It was almost seven and she hadn't spoken to him all day. There's no way he could have possibly forgotten, thought Anna.

Grabbing her change of clothes from the dresser, Anna was about to slip off her shirt when the house phone started ringing. Thinking it was Will, Anna rushed to the phone beside the bed and picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Anna...it's Georgie...how are you?"

"Good...just getting ready to relax and watch a movie..."

"I've got a better idea...why don't you and Colin get dressed up because Skandar and I want to take you out for your anniversary...since Will isn't home..." said Georgie cheerily.

"Well, Colin's actually spending the night at a friend's house tonight...and I was going to wait around because Will hasn't called me yet..." replied Anna.

"Come on, Anna...it's your anniversary and your husband may not be home right now but you've got two people who love you very much and who want to take you out...and you deserve a night off...as much as I love Colin...I know he's a handful especially by yourself..."

"It does sound like fun...where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Skandar is on his way to pick me up now and then we'll come get you..."

"Alright...if you're sure...thank you, Georgie...this means a lot..."

"Of course...we'll see you in a bit..."

"Alright, bye," Anna said before hanging up the phone.


After picking Anna up, Skandar and Georgie found it very difficult to hide the surprise from her. They noticed she glanced at the clock several times from the back seat and when they had asked Anna about it the only thing she would say is 'I can't believe he hasn't called yet...' And she became infuriated when Skandar mentioned that he had talked to Will just a little while ago when he was on a break.

"What do you mean he called you?" Anna exclaimed. "He can call you, but he can't even call his wife on our anniversary..." Anna felt herself tearing up, but refused to cry. This was supposed to be an evening of fun with her friends.

"I'm sure he'll call you, Anna. Will's not one to forget important dates, especially this one..." Georgie said. She reached in the back see and squeezed her friend's hand. Anna smiled and returned her gaze out the window.

Eventually, the three pulled up to one of Anna's favorite restaurants in London. Serendipity. Not only could you have a lovely dinner there, but they had a rather large dance floor with a DJ. Georgie and Skandar made their way inside, but Anna stood behind for a moment staring at the front of the restaurant and thought of Will. Serendipity. Fate. Soulmates. A great feeling of emptiness overwhelmed Anna and she let a single tear fall down her face. She wiped it away quickly and noticed Skandar and Georgie waiting for her. She smiled at them and followed them inside. Making their way through the crowd, Skandar, Georgie, and Anna followed the hostess to their table. When they got closer, Anna's eyes widened. There he was...waiting for her.

"Will!" she yelled, his eyes searched the crowd for the owner of the voice who had called out for him and smiled when he spotted his wife.

Rushing ahead of the hostess, Skandar and Georgie, Anna flew into the arms of her husband. "Oh, Will! I can't believe I thought...What are you doing here? I...I've missed you..." Anna said. She was at a complete loss for words and could barely form a proper sentence. All she could think was that her husband was home and he was holding her in his arms.

"You didn't think I'd really miss our anniversary, did you?" Will asked, kissing the top of his wife's head. He glanced at Skandar who was pulling out Georgie's chair and winked at them. They both smiled in reply and waited for the couple to be seated.

A few moments later, Will pulled out Anna's chair and she kissed her husband's lips before sitting. After taking a seat beside his wife, Will turned to Georgie and Skandar who were seated across from them.

"I knew you two were good for something," he laughed.

"You two knew about this?" asked Anna gesturing at her friends.

"Of course...he called us a week ago and said he'd be home tonight...but he wanted to surprise you so...here we are...Colin knew as well...can't believe the little bugger kept the secret though...Will arranged for him to spend the night at a friend's house tonight..." Skandar said.

"You all just had everything figured out didn't you..."

"Happy Anniversary, Anna..." smiled Georgie raising her glass.

"I love you both..." replied Anna. She then looked at her husband, "And I love you...so much..."

"The evening isn't quite over yet, darling..." Will said.

Anna smiled brightly, anxious to see what the rest of the night held for her.


When they had finished their meal, Will and Skandar had excused themselves to use the restroom leaving Anna and Georgie to talk.

"Any new incidents between you and Skandar?" Anna asked sipping her ice water.

Turning red, Georgie shook her head no, and then added, "Not since that day at my apartment. I thought for just a moment...that maybe...I swear he was going to kiss me Anna..."

"That must have been some poem, dear one..."

"I suppose...I got an A on it...the professor wants me to read it in class this week...I'm petrified..."

"You'll do fine...but I think I'd be just as nervous...it is rather personal..."

"I think it may do some good...to talk about it...to share it...I mean..."

Reaching for Georgie's hand, Anna stated, rather than asked. "You really do love him, don't you..."

Nodding, Georgie laughed through tears, "Bloody bastard..." which also elicited a laugh from Anna.

"They're coming back...everything will work out, Georgie...I'm sure of it...If it means anything, he's been looking at you all night..." Anna said. She then pulled her hand away and smiled at Will and Skandar when they returned.

"Talking about us?" Skandar inquired.

"Despite what you think, Skandar, you are not the topic of everyone's conversation..." smirked Georgie.

"Have I told you lately that you're a brat..."

"Have I told you lately that I hate you..."

"Children..." Will said in a mock warning tone.

"Behave yourselves or I'll tell the waiter not to let you have dessert," added Anna with a giggle.

Skandar pointed between Will and Anna. "You two are sickening."

"Speaking of dessert..." Georgie said as the waiter approached their table with a large tray.

The waiter set their orders in front of them. Anna was the last to receive hers and raised an eyebrow at the large covered plate that was placed in front of her. Before she could ask the waiter anything, he walked away and Will leaned over and whispered in his wife's ear.

"Happy Anniversary, my love..."

Anna looked at her husband and then stared at the covered plate once again. Her hand was shaking as she lifted the lid. There was the slice of chocolate cake she had ordered, but lying beside it was a diamond bracelet. Placing a hand to her mouth in surprise, Anna placed the cover to the side and gently touched the gift.

"William...it's exquisite..." she said in awe.

"It's an antique...Apparently, it's around one hundred years old. I found it in a quaint little shop in the states months ago when I was there..."

"I...I don't know what to say..."

Taking the bracelet from the tray, Will placed it gently on Anna's wrist, making sure it was safely clasped. Leaning forward, Anna kissed Will passionately. Forgetting their surroundings they eventually pulled apart when a few tables around them began clapping at their display of affection.

"I love you, Anna...More today than I did yesterday..."

"I love you, too...I love you so much...Thank you, Will. I love it..."

"I'm glad...Now, milady, would you care to dance with me?" asked Will, standing and offering his hand to his wife.

"I'd love to kind sir..." Accepting Will's offered hand, Anna stood from her seat and smiled at Georgie and Skandar before being pulled to the dance floor.

"That is what I'm afraid I'll never have..." Georgie said watching Will and Anna.

"And I promised you that you would find it..." replied Skandar. His ears perked up as a slow song filled the air. "Until then, why don't you dance with me?"


Skandar took Georgie's hand and led her to the dance floor just as the words to the song flow throughout the room.

Can you hear it in my voice? Was it something I let slip?
Does the whole world know?
Isn't it obvious?

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Georgie prayed that she wasn't blushing when he placed his hand on her hip.

I'm the one who's in control
Now I'm acting like a fool

"You look really beautiful tonight, Georgie..." Skandar said smiling.

Georgie could feel her cheeks warming up even further and she tried to avoid his gaze as much as possible. "Ummm...thank you...you look very handsome, too..."

Do my feelings show?
Is my face aglow?
Isn't it obvious?

Skandar unconsciously pulled Georgie closer and without hesitation she rested her head on his shoulder drinking him in. This was how she wanted it to be...in Skandar’s arms, safe, loved and wanted. Tears well in her eyes and she sighed deeply.

That I don’t know what I’m doing anymore
I’m feeling like a little girl
Caught up in emotions
I’m out of control
Isn’t it obvious?

When he felt Georgie’s body tense, Skandar looked down at her. He had always felt an overwhelming need to protect her, but what he felt at this moment was different. He wanted to search her eyes to find some sort of an answer to what he was feeling, but she wouldn’t look at him. And, for a moment, Skandar thought he felt Georgie shaking.

Do you see my hands, they tremble
Wonder why I can't look you in the eyes
Don't know how long
I can keep this inside
Isn't it obvious?

Lost in the moment, it took a moment for Georgie to realize that Skandar was trying to look at her. She knew she’d avoided his gaze most of the evening and it really wasn’t fair to him. Finally, Georgie brought her eyes to meet Skandar’s and the way he was staring at her...there was something there...something different And before she could register what was happening, Skandar cupped her face gently and kissed her lips. It was a brief, soft kiss that ended before it had begun. They stood in the middle of the dance floor, unmoving. Will and Anna were staring at them in complete shock hardly believing what they had just seen. Georgie tried to turn her head, but Skandar wouldn’t let her. He held her face between his hands just gazing at her. And she couldn’t take it anymore. This was her chance and she was going to take it with no regrets. Wrapping her arms around Skandar’s neck, she kissed him with such fiery desire that they both almost lost their balance.

Suddenly these emotions are in control of my heart
Can you see it in my eyes?
Every glance, every smile
Must give me away
And I feel so much I can't explain


They had left Will and Anna a not saying they were sorry for leaving earlier, but they had seen the obvious display of affection on the dance floor so Skandar and Georgie knew they would understand abandoning them at the restaurant.

Skandar and Georgie were now in the middle of his living room completely engulfed in each other. His hands were in her long hair as his mouth roamed hers, deepening the kiss. The moan that escaped her lips drove him to the brink of near insanity. Clumsily, Georgie unbuttoned his shirt. She was nervous and inexperienced, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her from having what she had been longing for. Getting frustrated, Georgie ripped open his shirt, causing buttons to fly across the room. Skandar smirked and Georgie giggled. Her mouth was on his again and despite all the confusion and warnings that were clouding his mind, Skandar eased Georgie to the floor.


“Thank you for a wonderful evening, darling...” Anna whispered into Will’s ear as they laid in bed together.

“It was a very memorable night, wasn’t it?” Will replied chuckling as he thought of Skandar and Georgie.

“Can you believe it? Skandar and Georgie...that was quite the display....”

“I’d say...but they both deserve to be happy...and Georgie’s been in love with him for...well, since forever really...”

“I just hope he’s careful with her...you know I love Skandar, but he does have quite the reputation...”

“He would never hurt her...but I do wonder if he’s sure about his feelings for her...he’s never said anything before...and it just seems so sudden...”

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough...” said Anna. Turning and resting her head against her husband’s shoulder, she added, “You know...I’ve got an anniversary present for you as well...”

“What could be better than lying next to the most beautiful woman in the world?” asked Will.

“Such a charmer...but...well...how would you feel about expanding our family?”

“I’m...I’m sorry...what did you say?”

“I’m pregnant, William...I knew the week after you left, but I wanted to tell you in person...”

“I...this is amazing...we get to be parents again? Anna...I...”

“I know...I was surprised when I found out...a good surprise though...”

“Colin is going to be very excited...I can’t wait to tell him...This was the best gift you could have given me...” Will said softly, stroking his wife’s cheek.

Leaning forward, Anna seized Will‘s lips once again in a passionate kiss, “Happy Anniversary, William...”
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