Obvious (Chapter 2)

Sep 18, 2006 22:58

Pairing: Skandar/Georgie & Will/Anna
Summary: Sequel to More Than Anyone
Disclaimer: Poem in chapter belongs to me...


Colin Moseley sat in front of the television, eating ice cream whilst his mother was talking on the phone with his father. Will had left a week ago to complete filming on his movie project, but called every night.

“How are things going there?” Anna asked, sipping tea at the dining room table.

“Going smoothly…with any luck I could be home early…” replied Will.

“That would be nice considering our anniversary runs into your time there…”

“I know, love…if I’m here during our anniversary, I promise I’ll make it up to you…” Anna’s response was to just sigh heavily into the phone. “Anna…what’s wrong?”

“Nothing…I just miss you…and so does Colin…and I just miss you is all…”

“I miss you, both, too…Are you sure that’s all?” inquired Will.

“Yes…really…I don’t mean to worry you…you know how I get when you’re not here…” said Anna.

“I’ll be home soon…How’s Colin’s football team?”

“Quite good to be honest…you’d think children their age wouldn’t be so competitive, but they are. Wait until you see them play…Your son actually came home with black eye…”

“That rough, huh…What’s he doing now?”

Anna glanced in the direction of her son and then answered, “Eating his ice cream and watching a movie. Then it’s off to bed when it’s over…” She laughed when she saw Colin’s expression to her response. And then added, “But apparently he’s got other ideas…”

“Let me talk to him…” Will said.

“Colin…dad wants to say hi…” Anna called and he immediately jumped from the couch and ran over to his mother who held out the cordless phone to him.

“Dad!” he said excitedly.

Will had to laugh at his son’s energy, “Hey, Colin. Behaving yourself for mum, I hope…”

“Yes…and I’ve been taking care of her…” replied Colin who then turned to his mother, “Haven’t I mum?” Anna smiled and nodded and then gestured for her son to continue speaking with his father.

“I knew I could count on you...I here football is going well…just try not to get anymore black eyes…you’ll put mum in an early grave…”

“Oh, but it was so awesome, dad…I can’t wait for you to come watch…I wish you were here so I could practice with you…”

“I know…I’ll be home soon and we can practice all you want…until then you could call Uncle Skandar…he’s decent, I’m sure he’d be glad to help…”

“I miss you, dad…” Colin said, his tone changing to one of sadness.

Closing his eyes, Will felt tears well in his eyes, but fought them off, “I miss you, too…I’ll call you tomorrow…I love you, Colin…”

“Love you, too, dad…here’s mum…” Colin handed the phone back to Anna and returned to his ice cream and movie.

“Hey…” Anna said.

“Hey back…I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you tomorrow…I love you, Anna…”

“I love you, too William…Goodbye…”


Georgie sat tapping her pen against her desk. Her creative writing professor had gone off on a tangent when another student had asked him how he had felt about a some author, one that Georgie had never heard of. Ironically enough, they had been talking about the feeling of love and how it is portrayed in stories and in poetry. Professor Connor had been about to tell them what their assignment was to be, before the student had asked their ridiculous question…in hopes that the professor would forget about the assignment. Obviously, most boys in her class didn’t want anything to do with it, after all the male population was never one to show emotion. Professor Connor was one of Georgie’s favorite teachers at the university and hated seeing him sucked into such a trap, so deciding that everyone had enough of his lecture on an author no one really cared about, Georgie raised her hand.

“Miss Henley?” Professor Connor asked, pointing to her raised hand.

“Sorry, sir…about the assignment you were going to give us?” she asked and groans from every boy in her glass could be heard. “Oh grow up already,” Georgie snapped, eliciting laughs from the girls in the class.

The Professor chuckled and then said, “Thank you Miss Henley for getting me back on track. We were talking about love and how its portrayed in stories, poetry and the difference of how it is was portrayed in the past and how it is depicted now. Your assignment is to look within the very depths of yourself and write a story or poem revolving around love. Passionate love. Forbidden love. Unrequited love. Love in general. It doesn’t matter…if anyone of you has ever loved someone, truly and deeply this assignment shouldn’t be as difficult as you think. And to the boys of this class, I promise the next assignment will be something more to your liking…Your story or poem is due Monday…Enjoy your weekend…Class dismissed…”

Packing up her things, Georgie headed out of the classroom. Creative writing was her only class on Mondays and Thursdays. It was also her last class of the week. Her apartment wasn’t far from the school, so unless the weather was far from pleasant, Georgie would walk to her classes. As she walked home, Professor Connor’s assignment filled her thoughts. It was a strange project, but her professor was known for his absurd ways and it was one of the many reasons she loved his class. Georgie wasn’t sure what she was going to do or what exactly she would stay. At this point in her life she wasn’t exactly inspired to right about love. Of course, she could always base it on Will and Anna and their relationship. Passionate love. That was definitely Will and Anna. There wasn’t a day that went by that Georgie didn’t envy what they had. Even when they were arguing, if you looked into their eyes you could see how much they loved each other. The little things they did for each other, how they missed each other when one was away, the way they raised Colin…And to this day, when Georgie would see them kiss…it was loving, gentle and fiery. Passionate love, Georgie thought.

Forbidden love. Well, Georgie didn’t really have anyone in mind in regards to that. But she could always reread Romeo and Juliet. It was the classic tale of forbidden love and tragedy. For some reason, Georgie had a feeling most people - most boys - in her class would choose that because it was the easy way out, so she immediately decided against it.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Georgie thought back to the last option Professor Connor had suggested. Unrequited love, she thought, If anyone knows about that…it’s me. And when she thought about this type of love, Georgie right away thought of Skandar. The way she had been feeling lately, she had found it quite ironic that it was today’s discussion in class. There were so many things that Georgie had wanted to say to Skandar…so many feelings she needed to express, but she never did. And probably never would. Not only was she scared of ruining the amazing relationship they had now…one of friendship and family…she was scared of his reaction. Georgie had handled rejection quite a bit in her life, but if it ever came from Skandar, she knew it would break her heart and Georgie wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to recover from that. The very thought of it pained her. There was also the problem of Skandar’s many leading ladies. Whatever film he was working on, it seemed that he was dating the leading lady of the same movie. He had never introduced a woman to Georgie, Will or Anna. Skandar had said that no one had captured his heart enough where he could introduce them to his ‘family’ and most of the time they were casual flings. The idea of Skandar having casual flings made Georgie sick to her stomach. That’s not what she wanted from him. Georgie wanted his heart. And sometimes the way she acted in front of him…It should be completely obvious how she felt. He’s a man…what do you expect…they never see what’s right in front of them and by the time they do…it’s too late, thought Georgie. She didn’t know what she would do if Skandar every introduced her to a girlfriend. Especially after what he had said. If he brought home a girl now, it would mean he loved her. And Skandar being in love with anyone else…

Georgie let a single tear fall down her face. She reached her apartment door and rested her forehead against it. She suddenly wasn’t feeling very well. Clearing her head for a moment, Georgie unlocked her door and stepped inside. Placing her keys on the table and slipping off her shoes, she headed towards her phone to check her messages. The first was from Will.

Hey there, Georgie. Just wanted to say hello and check in as always. Hope your classes are going alright. I miss you…hope you’re keeping an eye on Anna and Colin for me while I’m gone…Talk to you later…

The second was from Anna…and Colin it seemed.

Georgie, it’s Anna…alright…calm down, Colin. Oh and Colin’s here too…we wanted to know if you’d like to come over for dinner sometime this weekend…Colin Blake Moseley, if you don’t calm down…sorry, Georgie…anyway if you want to come over just give me a call…and Colin wants you to bring one of your stories to read if you don’t mind…Colin don’t you dare…I’ve gotta go…we love you…call me back…

The third was from Skandar.

Hey brat…Anna called and invited me over sometime this weekend for dinner and she said she had called you, as well…I figured I’d go the same day as you…And I’d pick you up and we could go together…That Daniel, bloke better not be bothering you still, either…you better tell me if he is, do you hear? Anyway…just…call me when you can…Goodbye…

Knowing she couldn’t just ignore his phone call, Georgie picked up her phone and dialed his number.

“Hey Skandar…it’s Georgie…”


William Moseley collapsed on the bed of his hotel room and yawned loudly. He’d been working very long days, but smiled at the thought of having off tomorrow. And all he wanted to do was sleep for the entirety of it. Glancing at the clock, it read midnight. It would be too early to call Anna and Colin so he decided against it. Will turned his gaze next to his clock at the picture of his wife and son. He missed his family terribly. He always did when he was away. It was as if he was missing part of his son’s life. And he felt like he was letting Anna down somehow, by leaving her to deal with everything while he was gone. Thankfully, this trip was only for a month, but Will had been thinking a lot lately and when he returned home he was going to discuss with Anna his possible early retirement. Acting was something Will had wanted to do his whole life. He loved acting. He loved the people he met and the places he got to see, but the day he met Anna he knew he would give it all up for her. The same thought ran through his mind the day Colin was born. His wife didn’t really face this sort of dilemma. Anna didn’t read many scripts anymore. The movie she was going to start shooting in the next several months was her first in three years. She wanted to be a mother to Colin. And Will had wanted to do the same, but Hollywood was demanding and they wanted him. Anna had told him to do what was in his heart. She and Colin would be there for him every step of the way. Just like he had done when she had finally gone to University. Will only regretted his career when he saw his wife and son cry as he left, when he felt the longing for Anna as he lie in a hotel room alone, and when he couldn’t see their smiling faces everyday…his career took that away from him. As his eyes drifted closed, Will sighed heavily. Perhaps it’s finally time to let go, he thought before falling into a deep sleep.


Arriving at Georgie’s apartment complex to pick her up for dinner with Anna and Colin, Skandar climbed the steps to Georgie’s flat slowly. He had been at a party the night before and was still feeling the after effects of his alcohol consumption. A migraine was forming rather quickly and he prayed that Georgie had some sort of pain medication. Hearing music from outside her door, Skandar attempted to knock only once before pulling out the spare key she had given him. Georgie had given Will and Anna a spare as well so any of them could check on things if she were away.

Stepping through the entryway, Skandar closed the front door and made his way down the short hallway that led into Georgie’s living room. He found her sitting at her desk, writing and mouthing the words to the music. Skandar smiled. This was when he loved to watch her. Even when they were filming the Narnia series all those years ago, although he had never told anyone. Georgie could sit in silence for hours as she wrote her stories, completely lost in the world she had created. And there were times that Skandar wished he could see what she saw, and there were moments when Georgie would look into his eyes and for a brief second Skandar could catch a glimpse of it.

“Blood bastard…I hate him…” Georgie yelled suddenly over the music. Throwing her pen down, she put her head in her hands.

This sudden outburst broke Skandar out of his thoughts and he furrowed his brow in concern. “Georgie…” he said.

Georgie screamed, jumping in fright. Realizing who it was, she placed a hand on her chest to steady her breathing. “Don’t do that!” she snapped.

“I knocked…but you didn’t hear me…” Skandar said walking over to her stereo and turning it off.

“How long were you standing there?”

“Long enough to hear you declare your hate for someone…are you alright?”

Her face turned ten shades of red at Skandar’s comment. Georgie had been in the middle of writing her poem for her creative writing class…Skandar had obviously been her muse and it was him that she had been talking about. “I’m…I’m fine…just my paper for class…”

Skandar’s eyes searched over the desk in front of him. He smirked at the many paper spread out and a few that had fallen to the floor.

“Lacking inspiration, I see…” he said amused at the chaos that surrounded her workplace.

Standing from her chair, Georgie replied, “Something like that…” When she stood in front of him, Georgie noticed the dark circles under his eyes and his disheveled appearance, yet he somehow managed to look incredibly handsome. Of course, she'd never let him know that. “You look like hell…”

Rolling his eyes, Skandar said, “Gee, thanks, brat…I was out a bit late last night…”

“Surprise, surprise…Parties and girls…” she snapped, highly irritated with his antics. He’s not your boyfriend…you can’t tell him what to do, Georgie thought.


“Jealous? Of the girls you see and your parties? That’s completely ridiculous. First of all, I’ve got more intelligence in my finger than the girls you date have in their entire bodies. And more respect for myself. Secondly, the parties you go to aren’t really parties. You just show up at a club filled mostly with girls - who by the way are vultures and only want you because you're Hollywood's bad boy and could care less about you or your career unless it benefits them some how - dance and get drunk…Oh, yes Skandar…I’m terribly jealous,” replied Georgie, her tone iced with sarcasm.

Slightly taken aback at Georgie’s tone, Skandar pulled on a strand of her hair affectionately, “Come on, brat…you know you’re the love of my life…”

He had no idea how much she wanted that to be true. Georgie shook her head trying to hide the smile tugging at her lips. “Shut up…I take it you want some Tylenol for that hangover.”

“You’re a mind reader…”

Playfully pushing Skandar out of the way, Georgie headed towards the medicine cabinet. Skandar watched her go and then turned his gaze to the paper she had been writing on, curious as to what assignment could get her so riled up and upset. Picking up the paper in his hands, Skandar noticed it was a poem and frowned at the tears stains on the paper.

Is it possible to love someone and hate them at the same time?
Because when I think of you…it seems as if that’s how I feel…
Confusion, frustration…I’ve cried so many, many tears…
It seems so obvious to me how I feel about you…How can you not see it?
The sleepless nights, the weariness…it’s all because I love you…
I love you…yet it seems as if you’ve forgotten that I’ve grown…
That it is a woman that stands before you now…
You’ve talked about how you’re searching for something…
Something true…I just wish…that you would finally see…

Georgie walked back into the room and stopped abruptly when she saw Skandar was holding her assignment. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Georgie…this is…” Skandar began, but before he could finish, Georgie walked over to him, snatching the paper from his hands.

“None of your business…”

“I’m sorry…I just…I’m sorry, Georgie…it wasn’t my place…”

“Here’s your aspirin…” she said handing it to him, as well as a glass of water.

“Thank you…” Skandar replied. After taking the aspirin and drinking the water, he placed the cup on the desk and turned his gaze back to Georgie, who apparently was avoiding his. “It was really beautiful, Georgie…sad, but beautiful…”

Clearing her throat, Georgie placed the poem in her notebook, closing it quickly, “Yes…well, it’s not finished yet…but thank you…” She made eye contact with Skandar and he saw a deep sadness in them. The fact that his Georgie was this sad was enough to break his heart.

Cupping Georgie’s face gently, Skandar said, “Georgie…have you gone and fallen in love on me?”

Avoiding his gaze, Georgie stared at the floor, tears threatening to fall, for what it seemed like the millionth time today. Taking a deep breath, Georgie looked into Skandar’s eyes, but said nothing.

“Georgie?” Skandar said again when she didn’t reply.

The sound of concern in his voice and the pain in his eyes at seeing her cry was too much. She broke. As tears began falling rapidly down her face, Georgie wrapped her arms around Skandar’s waist. And for that moment, Georgie was that little girl again. Lost and scared. So she held onto Skandar tightly, sobbing into his chest. Skandar hugged Georgie tightly, whispering soothing words as best as he could.

“Shhh…it’s alright, Georgie…I’m right here…” he said softly.

After several minutes, Georgie pulled away from Skandar and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m…I’m sorry…I just…I don’t know what came over me…”

“It’s okay…are you going to tell me whose gone and broken your heart?” asked Skandar.

Lie, said a voice inside her head. “I…um…just the whole Daniel situation…I mean him not really liking me…it kinda hurt my feelings a bit…but…the assignment got me thinking that…I don’t want to…be alone…you know…but…It’s just also to that…I mean I‘m not in love with anyone…its just my professor wanted…”

Smirking, Skandar cut her off, “You’re rambling…”

Blushing furiously, Georgie stared at the floor once again, “Sorry…”

“You’ve got nothing to apologize for…I’m just sorry you’re hurting so much…But he didn’t deserve you…no one does if they can’t see what I beautiful, amazing girl…” Skandar thought back to her poem and immediately corrected himself. “I mean…woman that you are…You’ll find someone someday, Georgie…I promise…”

Georgie smiled, although Skandar noticed it didn’t reach her eyes, but did not comment on it. “I wish you would make it easier for me to hate you, Skandar…”

“Just promise me that you’ll come and talk to me when you’re feeling this way…” Skandar said. He dropped a kiss on her forehead and looked into her eyes once more. “I can’t bare to see you hurt, Georgie…you know that…”

And then the strangest feeling overcame him. Skandar felt himself moving closer to the woman before him…he had become incredibly interested in Georgie’s lips all of a sudden.

What am I doing? he thought. Shaking his head, waking himself from the daze he had found himself in, Skandar stepped back away from Georgie and he could have sworn he saw disappointment flash across her face for a second.

“Ummm…we should get going…Anna and Colin are waiting for us…” he stuttered.

Nodding, Georgie went to find her purse and shoes leaving a very, very confused Skandar behind.
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